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"WHAT familiar scene" Jinwoo couldn't help but chuckle.

He was the only one left behind again.

Even if it happened in the past, it still hurts knowing you were left for good.

After entering the gates, everything repeated as expected. The deaths, the warnings, the riddles, and the betrayal.

One thing changed though. And it was him. Throughout the casualties, Jinwoo managed to avoid injuries and saved some people who were originally goners.

And thanks to that, he's still here, left by his raid members, and alone to fend himself.

But that's alright, he thought stupidly. He experienced this already, what's more to it if this was the second. Although he said that, his aching heart said otherwise.

'Cale is the only one I need.. I don't need anything or anyone else other than him.. ' He unconsciously rose the edge of his lips upwards.

'So, I should finish this quickly'

He looked up to the giant stone figure, aiming their spear to strike him.

Jinwoo smiled maniacally,
"Just hurry up you crazy son of a bitch"


Cale ran as fast as he could.

For the first time in forever, he panicked. He felt afraid. He was scared.

'Stop these useless thoughts..' He gritted his teeth while panting as he ran.

"E-excuse me! You are prohibited to run in this area!" A passerby, who was a nurse, shouted.

Cale ignored the lady and continued heading to the room where his friend was currently residing at.

Reaching his destination, Cale didn't hesitate to slide the door open with a bang.

"Jinwoo" He stated calmly but with a strained voice.

"Hyung?" Jinwoo faced at his left which was where the opened door was at, with a surprised but exhilarating look plastered on his face.

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