I think too fucking much (this is a chapter)

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This basically a deep dive into 3 and 4 minds and feelings that I sat my ass down and thought of. mostly just their mental state (this doesn't effect the current place in the plot right now)

SMG3 first:

He had a pretty nice childhood. He was just always overcrowded, he had 4 siblings (His favorite sibling was logan though poor bby) His parents were pretty nice but strict, he looked up to Logan (the dead one btw) because he was rebellious and he strived to be like him. His school life was pretty basic, he was taunted a bit in 1st grade but quickly put a stop to it by punching the girl in the nose, breaking it. Smg3 really liked the feeling of victory when he hit someone, so his number one option was to always resort to violence. Another circumstance where Smg3 demonstrated this is when he punched a guy in gut so hard, the guy fell back and ended up falling through the glass wall of a drugstore. Smg3 paid for the hospital bills (only bc he was forced to) and did community service since he was only 15 at the moment.

Another thing I would like to briefly address, peer pressure. Smg3 was not very familiar with it, as he did his own thing most of the time. He had friends, but others were too scared to approach him. Mainly because he was violent, but also because he was tall.

Smg3 with time forgot two of his siblings, they were just that insignificant. Other than Logan Smg3 only remembered the youngest sibling, Mila. Since he was the 2nd oldest and Logan was always out, he felt a strong urge to protect them. Usually they were attached at the hip. They were always with 3, 3 was always with them. 

Leaving his home behind was an entire process. I only wrote a bit when I wrote about it, that's because it was told from 3's POV and he prefers to keep the process at the furthest corner of his mind. So basically, Logan and him looked alike so after Logan was killed he took the drivers permit and the car. Before he could do this though he used makeup to make him appear older and drove the fuck of the state. He slowly built up his economic value from 10$ to enough to buy a house. In two years time he bought his mansion and from there he grew his crew and lair.

Moving kinda fast but I'm losing so much motivation. Smg3 became a villain because after Logan died he released all his pent-up anger and snapped. Another factor that contributed to this is that, growing up Smg3 had a good childhood so he didn't really know how deal with grief. So? he snapped and lost control. So that's what I came up with. yeah thats it for 3 im 2 lazy


He had loving parents, but they didn't understand him. Often he found them making homophobic remarks, or just generally hateful comments. Smg4 being surrounded by this hate just pushed all his thoughts of his sexuality to the back of his mind. Primary school for 4 was HELL he was teased, beat-up, and every time he told his parents they told him to "suck it up." So, that's what he did. Secondary school was when he started using the "Can't beat em? Join em." mindset. He finally came to terms with the fact he was in fact *insert sparkle noise or smth* if ykyk. He knew everything he and his parents did wasn't valid, and indeed horrible. He had no choice, he was like prey to the others. This is how he lived. 

Peer pressure. Smg4 was no stranger to it. He let himself follow the tide, he did it it as a survival tactic, as mentioned in the prior paragraph.  That's how got into the mess with 3, he was following a conversation with his old friends and 3 was mentioned. Smg4 got asked if he thought Smg3 was -----? Smg4 was shocked by the question, but played along and ended up spilling a lot of fabricated shit. None of it was true. If he had been honest then, he would of defended him. Smg4 had a crush on his violent peer, he didn't know it was crush though. He thought the feeling was just admiration.

The day his parents died. He always loved them, but as he ran and processed everything he felt a huge weight lift off him. He let his tears blur his vision and just followed where he felt he would go. He stopped running, his instinct had led him to a foster care. He begrudgingly walked in. He was greeted with a woman, with peeling makeup, a fake ass smile, and a nametag that read, "Susan". He walked up to her and things happened. His first meeting with one of foster homes went as the following:

Smg4 pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He looked up the seemingly friendly eyes of his new "caretaker". 

She smiled at him, the sides of her eyes crinkling too much. Smg4 quickly knew this was a fake smile. She pushed keys in the slot of the keyhole, and pushed the door open. He walked into his temporary placement. 

The rest is history. Let's just say he was treated as if he was a lost plastic bag, drifting through the wind.

Smg4 met M&M in high school. This time period was his redemption arc. Can't say much about this, other than Smg4 cried a lot. Uh. Smg4 flinches a bunch, he's also scared of loud noises. (they remind him of the police sirens in the distance, while he was running away from his massacred parents)  

He became a hero to save those who were in pain. He wanted to lessen the amount of people that felt like he did. Smg4's financial situation isn't very good. He struggles to sleep at night and cant cook AT ALL. But he manages and he's now trying to learn how to cook while healing. He likes cats but his only cat, Beeg got run over. :((

 Uh...yeah that's it. Thanks for reading my braindump the two ppl that actually read this. (IF URE ONE OF THEM HI) END (TBC) :D {1049 words}

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