Chapter 5, A life behind metal doors

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Y/n sat in his cell, looking around. There was nothing but a bed and some sheets with a pillow to sleep on, but it all felt like one thing. Prison, just then. The doors opens and Mel enters the cell wearing an orange jump suit. The metal doors closed as y/n looked at Mel and hugged her.

Y/n: What are you wearing?

Mel: A jump suit

Y/n: Why? You're no criminal

Reid: Think again

The intercom came on, and y/n looked up to the glass to see a different scientist looking at them

Y/n: Where's Richard?

Reid: It's Dr. Richard to you

Y/n: Sorry, sorry

Mel: Explain why y/n isn't with us?

Reid: Your "friend" is dangerous to man kind

Mel: No, he's not. Look at him. He's fine with us

Reid: That's because he's your friend, now. Continue with the experiment

Y/n looked at Mel confused, Mel pulled out a tazer. Shocking y/n

Y/n: Wait

Mel: I swear it's nothing bad

Reid: We are just testing your powers and how they react

Y/n: This is a bad idea

Mel pulls the trigger, and the taser lands on y/n. Y/n closed his eyes, but he didn't feel anything. Y/n opened his eyes to see the metal bit of the taser attached to his shirt. The taser started to glitch, and Mel dropped it on the floor. The taser disappeared into a bunch of one's and zeros.

Reid: Amazing!

Mel: What the hell happened?!

Y/n: How am I supposed to know?!

Reid: That is why you are here

For 2 hours straight, Mel was given stuff to experiment on y/n, and it all ended in the same way. Reid and a couple of scientists watch as y/n deflects all in coming damage that could have killed y/n.

Reid: It's like this glitch as a mind of its own. Maybe to protect its host

Y/n: So this thing can be a parasite?!

Reid: Nope, it's a crystal. We took an x-ray inside your body to discover that something is inside your body

Mel: That crystal. You told us about the crystal you found

Y/n: I did?

Reid: Doesn't matter. All that matters is that this glitch wants to protect you at all costs. Mel, can you wait by the door

Y/n: Can she stay with me?

Reid: I'm afraid not

The door opens, and a couple of guards grab Mel and drag her back to her Class-D cell with Bill and Mark. The door closes, and y/n was left alone in his cell.

Y/n: Answer this, Dr. Reid

Reid: I'm listening

Y/n: If I'm not with them, what am I?

Reid: Glad you asked, you are an scp. Class-D and scps are two different things

Y/n: That explains the symbols on my jump suit

Reid: You should rest. You are going to be tested on other scps and how they react to you

Y/n: Wait, are they dangerous?

Reid: Some of them, yes, some not

Y/n: Great

Reid: Sleep well

Reid left the observation room to let y/n sleep. Y/n crawled into bed and closed his eyes. One thing was on his mind. "Am I going to die?"

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