new day, new class

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Chloe's POV:

"Good morning! I'm Miss Beale, I'm going to be your new teacher for Biology." I introduce myself. I grab the register and look down at it. "Okay, I need to take the register first off so..Stacie Conrad?"

I look up and say the last name. "Right, and...Rebeca Mitchell?"

"Here miss."

"Great. So, since it's the first lesson, I'm just gonna give you some easy work. There's textbooks at the back of the room, help yourself to one per desk and answer questions 1-9 on page 75 and 76."

The entire room floods to the back, laughing and chatting amongst themselves. I sit back in my chair and smile to myself. 'This is gonna be a great first year.' I think.

Beca's POV:

"Stace, the answer is definitely not that." I laugh. The tall brunette rolls her eyes and smiles. "But it's true. The question is literally 'What is the first thing you notice', and the first thing I noticed was you practically drooling over Miss Beale." She says.

I quickly scribble down the answers and take my phone out to see a message off Amy. "Dude, she's literally sat at the desk two rows infront, she could just come over.."

"Oh, Miss Mitchell? Could you put your phone away please." Miss Beale says as she walks over to our desk to check our work.

I look up and quickly shove my phone into my pocket. "Ah, sorry Miss." I mutter. She grins and nods. "That's okay. Can you just ask next time? I'll always let you if it's an emergency." She states before heading to the next desk.

Stacie suddenly bursts out laughing, making me jump. "Huh? Dude, what the fuck is so funny?!"

"You were totally staring at her ass!" She blurts out, covering her mouth and giggling. "I-I was not! I don't like her like that, Stace!" I defend. Stacie calms herself down slightly and grins.

She rolls her eyes and nods. "Sure you don't."

"I don't!" I protest, gently slapping her arm. "Mhm." Stacie teases, her smile widening. Amy makes her way over when Miss Beale's back is turned and leans on my side of the desk. "Hots for her already?" She asks me, looking at Miss Beale.

I put my head in my hands and sigh deeply. Amy and Stacie share a quick glance before bursting out into laughter. "I don't like her, I swear."

"Uh, Miss Hobart? Why are you over there?" Miss Beale asks, raising her eyebrow. Amy shrugs and heads back to her desk. "Thank you. Okay guys, let's mark our answers. Hm...Rebeca, what did you get for question three?"

I feel my cheeks warming up rapidly and I gaze down at my work, but the only thing I can make out is, "I didn't do that one."

Fuck you, Mitchell! You literally did all of them, why did you have to say that?! I think to myself.

"Right. Stay back at the end please. What about you, Stacie?" Miss Beale says, averting her gaze to Stacie and smiling softly. "Uh..I put that force multiplied by distance is how you calculate a moment."

Miss Beale nods and grins. "Well done! Did anyone else get that?"

Several hands are raised and Miss Beale seems pretty pleased. Except with me. God, I'm a real dickhead sometimes, aren't I? I definitely like Miss Beale, but whenever I fall for someone, I fall too hard. I'm literally such a fuck up sometimes. It sucks.

The end of the lesson couldn't come any quicker. As I stand up, Stacie leans over my shoulder and whispers, "Keep it in your pants, Bec."

I nod and swallow hard. "Oh, Rebeca, I need to speak to you about the work. Bring me your sheet too, please." Miss Beale says. Amy stifles a giggle and Stacie nudges her ribs gently while glaring at her.

I grab the sheet and bring it up to the front where Miss Beale scans it and frowns. "You said you didn't do it, but answered every question. Correctly, might I add. Why?" She asks, her voice quiet and soft.

I bite the inside of my cheek and shrug. "I just..I don't like answering questions. It's the worst."

"How come?"

"I just hate it." I mutter.

She nods and smiles. "Okay. That's fine." She says, before grabbing her bag and swinging it over her shoulder. "Well, I guess I'll see you Thursday?"

I force a smile and nod slowly. "I guess so. That's if I decide to turn up."

All of the years I've been at Barden, all the staff that have ever taught me know that I hate going to lessons and usually I skip and stay home with Stacie or Amy, making new mixes or sleeping.

"What do you mean? Rebeca, you should be making the most out of your time here." Miss Beale says, frowning.

I shrug and shake my head. "What's the point of living like that? Following some stupid rules that get you nowhere. It's ridiculous." I reply with a smirk. I don't know where this sudden confidence is coming from, but I can't stop it.

"..Alright. Well, see you." She says before strolling out of the room and turning to the car park. Stacie and Amy come to the door, laughing so hard tears are rolling down their faces.

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