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Beca's POV:

"Bec! For god's sake, stop staring at Miss Beale!" Stacie hisses, gently turning my head away from the redhead. "Huh? I-I wasn't staring."

She rolls her eyes and turns to face Miss Beale, who is currently explaining the work. "So, you and your partner are going to make a model of some lungs using the method I just explained. Any questions?"

I stare at Stacie, my jaw dropped.

"I literally didn't hear any of what Miss Beale just said." I mutter. Stacie laughs and stands up. "We're doing a practical. I'll show you what to do, just let me get the stuff." I watch as the brunette heads towards the front of the room, and Amy comes over after speaking to her.

"So, Legs says that you spent the last seven and a half minutes staring at Miss Beale's tits." She says. I really do wish she wasn't so straightforward.

I nod slowly and grin. "They're hard not to stare at." I mumble in response.

Amy laughs and rolls her eyes. "You really have to stop being like this, Shortarse. Imagine if she caught you staring at her?" She turns around and goes back to her desk as Stacie comes back.

Chloe's POV:

"Uh, Rebeca? I need to see you again after this lesson, please." I say as the brunette puts her textbook back on my desk. She nods and bites her lip. "Okay.." She replies.

The lesson goes pretty quickly and when everyone else is gone, Rebeca is stood at my desk. "Uh, you needed to see me?"

I nod and smile. "It's nothing to worry about. I just wanted to ask you about your grades, they're slipping slightly. Is there any issues I should know about?" I ask. She looks down and bites her nails nervously. "Uh, no."


"But, actually, there is uh..something I need to ask you. Can you stop calling me Rebeca?"

"Oh, of course. Is there something else you want to be called?"

"Yeah, everyone calls me Beca. I hate being called Rebeca, it reminds me of my dad."

"Okay. That's fine."

Beca's POV:

I force a quick smile at Miss Beale before leaving the room, heading straight for my dorm. Stacie was lay on the couch, face down, crying into a pillow while Amy sat next to her and rubbed her back gently.

"There, there, Legs. It's okay. He was a dick anyway." Amy mutters. I grin and look at Amy. "I think I can guess what's up with her."

Amy nods and rolls her eyes. "What did we tell her?" The aussie says. I shake my head disapprovingly at Stacie. "Me and Ames tried to warn you. I literally showed you a picture of Nate kissing some random chick and you still didn't see the red flags?" I reason.

Stacie sobs harder into the pillow and Amy stands up before launching another pillow at Stacie's head.

"Legs, for fucksake, get it together! My God, am I the only sane one in this dorm? Hobbit is inlove with Ginger Spice, our teacher, and Giraffe Legs is bawling over a fucking cheater!" The blonde yells, glaring at both of us. "Come on guys! This is serious horse shit. Can't you smell it? It stinks everywhere."

I roll my eyes and stare at her. "Ames, take it easy."

Amy shakes her head and shoots me a look that says, 'Dude, no. Are you serious?'. "No, Amy, don't you look at me like that. I might be tiny but I could kill you in seconds." I mutter. She laughs and crosses her arms. "Oh really now? Wanna bet?"

That's it. She dared me. And Beca Jade Mitchell does not pussy out of fights.

I throw myself at the blonde, knocking her to the floor. I smile a triumphant smirk before being flipped onto my back. "What the fuck?!" I yell as Amy tickles my ribs. My only weakness.

"FUCK YOU DUDE!" I scream, kicking and punching for all I'm worth. Stacie sits up, mascara covering her cheeks and the pillow the was crying into, and starts laughing at me. "NOT FUNNY, CONRAD!" I shout. Amy finally rolls off me and I sit up, panting and groaning softly.

Stacie smiles and giggles. "Huh, funny. I heard you make those exact noises last night while you were sleeping. Oh, and you were whispering Miss Beale's name too." She says through her laughter.

Amy bursts out laughing too, rolling on the floor and practically crying. "Guys, that's just not funny though, is it?" I snap.

Stacie's eyes widen and she gasps. "Woah, Beca Mitchell's sense of humour is missing?"

I roll my eyes and storm into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me and grabbing my headphones before sitting at my mix desk and switching my laptop on.

This was gonna be a long year.

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