Chapter 19

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It felt like a gut punch. Once the shock wore off, outrage took its place in the form of fist-clenched, jaw-clenched unintelligible cursing. The woman behind the mall's help kiosk let her finger hover above the security call button.

Emma seethed with resentment, her own and on Gabe's behalf. The balls on Jake to show up unannounced, to show up at all after making them believe he never would again. What version of him was home anyway? Did he think he could just pick up where he left off like he hadn't turned everyone's world's upside down? Especially now that she and Gabe were putting the pieces back together, making a happier new normal for themselves? What if he was just another breakdown away from vanishing again? How in the hell would she be able to save Gabe's heart from another blow like that? It was too much to text furiously. She called Jackie back instead.

"Where is he?"

"He's upstairs. Just showed up with his suitcases," Jackie whispered.

"I'm coming over."

"You sound so angry," Jackie said anxiously.

"I'm just stunned," Emma lied, trying to keep her cool for the asshole's mother's sake.

"He wanted to come with me to pick Gabe up after school. I told him – "

"No goddamned way! Is that fucker out of his mind??"

Now that sounded angry. Emma composed herself. "Sorry, Jackie. I am upset. I'm just nervous for Gabe."

"You're not wrong, Emma. I told him he couldn't ambush Gabe like that. I said he had to ask you first."

"He can ask me to my face because I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"Alright, I'll tell him. Don't drive crazy."

"I know."

"Emma, this is a good thing," Jackie reminded her optimistically,

"Sure it is."

Emma hung up and called the school to tell them Mitch would pick Gabe up. Then she called Mitch and asked if he would. Mitch took the same cautiously hopeful tone with her that Jackie that had.

"This is what you wanted isn't it? Isn't this what's best for the boy?"

It seemed to take forever before she could bring herself to respond to him with a less bitter conditional "yesssss."

"Don't worry, I'll pick him up," Mitch assured her, and hung up quickly, knowing what was good for him.


Emma parked on the street in front of Jackie's and took a deep breath. Despite her best efforts, she'd calmed down considerably on the drive over. It's hard to stay in a livid state when you feel the spirit of your dead sister pushing you towards compassion.

"You were always too good for him," Emma grumbled as she got out of the car.

She needed no permission for her irritation, and her concern for Gabe was totally valid, but she had to recognize her rage and resentment for what they were: leftover pain. The pain Mitch was right about. The pain her sister wanted her to let go of. The pain so obvious on Jake's worn, penitent face as she found him waiting for her in Jackie's living room. She was going to earn a lot of Mercy's gumball tokens for this.

"Hi Emma."

"Jake," she acknowledged him coolly.

He opened his arms slightly as if he was going to hug her, but he aborted the move for a hand clasp instead when Emma stood her ground. He swayed a bit awkwardly.

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