Chapter 5

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Clarks villain name is Kratos the sin of wrath, so when people say Kratos, it's not the cool one.

Zarathos growled at the One Above All, "What do you want father, gonna lecture me for hurting your precious Anansi?" the Vengeful Demon Lord asked.

"No Zarathos, sit and talk with me son," said The One Above All.

"How about no, father," said Zarathos.

"Zarathos, I know your angry," said the One Above All.

"HAHAHA, anger doesn't BEGIN TO COVER IT," yelled Zarathos.

"Yes my son, I know," said One Above All.

"Stop saying that," yelled Zarathos as an aura of fire surrounded him.

"I want to confirm something old man, do I exist simply to make Anansi look better, to be the darkness so he can always bring the light, to be a villain for him to take down?" asked Zarathos.

"No Zarathos, I always wanted you two to be partners, to work together, and hold creation together," said The One Above All.

"Then why have I always suffered, losing the people I love, being tortured my whole life, why?" asked Zarathos.

"My son, not even I can tell you why, because of one simple thing, all creatures, demons, humans, they all have free will, but I can tell you why I never brought you back to heaven till now, your the only one I trust to deal with the One Below All," said The One Above All.

"If you thought that would make me feel better it doesn't, I still spent eons in Hell tortured by demons to create what I am today, Heavens greatest mistake, your greatest mistake," Zarathos growled.

"You weren't a mistake Zarathos, I dare say your one of my greatest creations, yes you suffered, as has your vessel, and that was never the plan for you two, I never wanted that for you, which is why I want to offer you something," said The One Above All.

"What?" asked Zarathos.

"A new home for you and the boy, this world just lost it's Zarathos and Cain, to Clark and Zadkiel," said TOAA.

"Without a Lord of Cinder their universe will be unstable, why should I care, their souls should still be active in Hell," said Zarathos.

"No, their souls were mostly erased, Zadkiel has made it impossible for them to return, and soon they'll completly fade snuffing out their flame of creation, and destabilizing their universe," said TOAA.

"Sound a lot like it's that universes Anansi's problem," said Zarathos.

"Zarathos, do you really want the boy to try and claim the throne of Hell?" asked TOAA.

"Huh, as much as I want to rub it in Mephistos face no," said Zarathos.

"This world is different from the one your leaving behind," said TOAA.

"What about this world, won't it destabilize without me, part of my reasoning for going to Hell was so the universe would remain stable," said Zarathos.

"Anansi made his bed, so now he has to lay in it, but we also do have someone to replace you and Cain as this universes lord of Cinder," said TOAA.

"Who?" asked Zarathos.

"The two clones, Seth and Abel, they've been given Azrael and Samael as spirits of vengeance and they've been placed in charge of this universes flame," said TOAA.

"Fine, me and the boy will go and stabilize this world," said Zarathos.

TOAA opened a portal and Zarathos stepped through it giving his father one last glare before it closed.

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