Chapter 1 - Crossed Glances

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To fully appreciate this story, it is recommended to have read the prequel. This will not only help you understand the nuances and references in the upcoming narrative but also, I hope, allow you to appreciate the development of the various protagonists. Also, note that while set in the Naruto universe, this fanfiction takes some liberties with the official timeline.

Thank you for your reading and open-mindedness!


                   The sun was at its zenith, dominating the blue sky of Konohagakure. Rarely had it been so oppressively hot for a May day, forcing merchants to close their shops, awaiting more forgiving hours to resume their activities. The streets, usually bustling and noisy, were almost deserted.

Unaffected by the heat, a young girl had embarked on a frantic race against time. Her delicate silhouette agilely slipped between the rare shadows, her blond hair reflecting the sun's rays.

She knew that any delay on her part would cost her dearly, and that her mother's reprimands would weigh much heavier than those of the current Hokage.

The imposing building of the Office loomed ahead of her, its warm and distinct hue contrasting with the mountain and trees behind it. Two ninjas were stationed at the entrance, in a relaxed vigilance.

The arrival of the young girl did not fail to attract their attention.

One of them, a man with a jovial air, called out to her with a hint of humor: "So, Hatsu, late again?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

Without slowing her pace, she greeted them, adding with a mischievous smile : "I'm not late, I'm just... precisely on time!"

The hearty laughter of the shinobi echoed in the air as she rushed inside the building.

The air inside was cool, starkly contrasting with the outdoor heat. The corridors of the Office, usually filled with activity and lively discussions, were surprisingly quiet, despite the important meeting that was being prepared.

With lightness, she continued her race, letting the kakejiku scrolls on the walls pass by her, then she began to climb the stairs to the upper level, her blond curls waving to the rhythm of her steps.

She was almost there!

Arriving at the top floor, she darted into the long curved corridor, characteristic of the circular design of the building. In her haste, she negotiated a tight turn, suddenly catching sight of two men in her path.

In a fluid movement, she adjusted her trajectory with a delicate side step, narrowly avoiding a collision. As her left shoulder brushed past the space occupied by one of them, a soft and unexpected sensation was felt.

"Sands?" she thought.

Her gaze met that of the young man she had almost bumped into. His eyes, encircled in black, struck her instantly. A peaceful, almost translucent light blue, with gentle green reflections. This color... so singular... so striking and captivating, overwhelmed her with emotion, interrupting her run as she regained her balance. She was mesmerized, in a mix of surprise and fascination.

An authoritative voice brought her back to the reality of her pressing situation.

"Has no one ever told You not to run in the Kage's Office?" admonished the man accompanying the young man. His tone was harsh, and his face, half-hidden by a piece of turban, expressed barely contained anger.

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