🌹 REVIEWER: Claire [ OPEN ] 🌹

426 12 12

Username: ClaireMari29

My experience: I am considered as a former reviewer in other communities with experience. I am willing to help others as long as the criticism given wouldn't hurt them deep inside.

Genres I will review: Fanfiction, Romance, Horror, Poetry.

Genres I won't review: Genres not mentioned on what I would review and 1st POV stories.

For Fanfictions, here are the specific fandoms that I won't accept:

- K-Pop and K-Drama
- Harry Potter
- Marvel
- Disney

Are you okay with reviewing mature: Yes


- Do the community payments.

- Follow my accounts: ClaireMari29 and MushroomLady11 PERMANENTLY

- As a mandatory payment, do either one of the tasks below:

- Go to my account: ClaireMari29, and finish Both Tripartite and Trichotomy since they're both a series connected. Once done, give me feedback in DMs about what you loved in both stories.

- Go to my account: MushroomLady11, and finish all 5 books of the A Twinkle Within series from Luminescence to Illumination. Once done, give me feedback in DMs about what you loved in the series.

Reviewing Criteria:

Reviewer's Notes:
Title and Cover: 15
Blurb and Summary: 15
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Writing Style: 30
Plot and Pacing: 20
Character Development: 10Story Engagement and Personal Enjoyment: 10
Total: 100


Book Title:
Description:Genre (If Fanfiction, specify the fandom):
Mature (Specify the TW):
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"DEVASYA KANYA (Book 1 of Ardha-Narisvara) by HopeMikaelson2009

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