//Chapter 2: A modest ambience//

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Today's the day you make your choice on whether to join up with the paladins and try to make a difference of some kind. Your hands trembled, your lips shaked with noticeable force. You had a right to be nervous, after all it wasn't going to be easy to let go of some predispositions you have. But still, was it really worth it to turn down such a thing? After all, it wasn't like this life in the lower city was gonna make things any better. You hated having to merely just survive day in, day out. You hated having to live 'neath the bootheel of a society that disregarded the whole of the lower city and viewed them with disgust and or contempt.

That settled it. You had little personal possessions, so there was no reason to pack or anything. No, you just simply left it all behind for the time being. Time to make your way through the alleyways again, and hopefully for the last time. You had survived long enough, getting by doing all this. Now it was time to live, to prove to the republic and the world that future can be different. But that would be later, much later in events that we shall get into in due time. For now, you come upon the church of the faith once again. Financier would be here in order to hear your choice on whether to join the paladins or not.

Cream Priest was here as usual. "Welcome back, Y/N. Are you ready to make this choice?" She asked politely in her typical manner. "Well... I think you'll see soon enough, Miss. Let's just wait for financier to get here." You reply, taking a seat on a nearby chair. The priest nods, understanding that you wanted to think it over some more. You stayed silent as Cream Priest began praying for your safety and happiness in the times to come. Seemed like somewhere within her, she knew that you were going to follow through with this little plan. Maybe it was the mere fact you had come back to this place to meet up that tipped her off, who's to say?

Many palpable moments pass by, it was almost agonizing. The anticipation could kill at this rate, and it might very well have if Financier didn't step in. Right then, moment of truth. You still had your reservations about Financier, she was still a paladin. Maybe she would revoke the offer last moment as a gesture of spite. "Good morning, Cream Priest and Y/N. I have the papers with me as well as a few other things." She said, getting right down to the nub of the matter. Straight to the point was definitely the right call, there was literally no reason to waste time with pleasantries and what not. That would basically mean she'd be a bureaucrat trying to waste as much time as possible in order to prevent a desired outcome. Maybe she was someone you could truly get along with after all.

"Oh hey. I guess there's no sense in delaying it any longer." You say, standing up and stretching a little to give your body something to do. "Yes indeed. So, Citizen Y/N, what is your choice? Are you ready to take the path of the paladin and all the risks that come with it?" Financier quickly replies, presenting forth the papers that would let you into the paladin academy to begin your training. "Well... There's no time like the present. And I got nothing left to lose. So yes, I'm ready to be a paladin." You say with affirmation, taking the papers out of Financier's hand. You quickly read it over, realizing that this was likely a condensed version of the actual entry form that merely outlined the pertinent information.

You sign on the dotted line as best you could, reading and writing wasn't exactly your strong suit to be fair. Handing the paper back to financier, she instructs "Please, if you would, take a knee. The other recruits may see this as a formality, but I think it's important." You do as she asks, taking a knee and also removing your hood to show your less than perfect hair. Drawing her blade, she rests it upon your left then your right shoulder. She says to you with an air of righteous authority. "By the rite of the light's blessing, I name you, Y/N cookie of the lower city, as paladin initiate. Your journey will be long and difficult, but it will prove the ultimate test of character." "And as Priest of the divine faith, I ask of the light to give guidance to this soul during this process. May your journey mold you into the best you can be. " Cream Priest added, recognizing the importance of this little unseen ceremony.

So, there you were. Newest potential paladin of the faith. A week ago, you couldn't even imagine being in these shoes. But here you were, about to prove to the republic that it requires something other than being from the upper city to achieve greatness as a paladin. "Now, Initiate, please follow me. I will show you to the academy where you will learn how to be one of us. Do not dawdle, we have much to go over when you arrive." Financier says, beckoning you to follow her. You oblige and quickly shadow her movements as discreetly as you could. So begins your career as a knight of the faith. Greatness shall come unto thee, Y/N. You just have to be willing to fight for it.

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