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I groaned as I got up to shut off my alarm clock. You would think waking up everyday at 6 A.M. would become easier but unfortunately it just got harder as the days passed. I did my usual morning routine. Started a pot of coffee, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and picked out an outfit for the day. I opted for a brown matching set with black tights and kitten heels, with my hair left down and curled from the previous day.

A little backstory, I had landed a paid internship at a mental hospital as a psychologist assistant right out of college last year

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A little backstory, I had landed a paid internship at a mental hospital as a psychologist assistant right out of college last year. Hoping to gain experience before getting my Phd in psychology. I walked in the doors of the building and greeted my coworkers per usual. Right as I had sat down at my desk I had an email waiting for me.

"Good morning Ms. L/N, as soon as you get this message please report to my office.
- Dr. Young"

I didn't know whether to be nervous or excited. Had I done something wrong? Was I getting promoted? My anxiety only got worse as I made my way up to my bosses office.

"Hello Dr. Young. You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, Ms. L/N please have a seat."

I nodded and took a seat across from him.

"Well, I don't know how else to say this but due to budget cuts and a lack of incoming patients, I have no choice but to let you go. We simply cannot afford to keep as many employees at the moment."

I sat in silence for a second. Processing what he had just told me.

"I'm very sorry Y/N, it's not just you. I have had to let a couple of my other employees go as well. I'm giving you two weeks to find a position else where. You are dismissed."

I didn't have the energy to argue or try to plead with him. I was absolutely shocked and distraught. I had thought this place would be it for me but I was so wrong. I had barely made it through the day. On my way home from work I had picked up the biggest bottle of wine I could find at the store and was on a mission to find a new job asap. I had drank more than half of the bottle before I found a job immediately hiring that had just been posted yesterday.

"Client Case Notation Specialist Assistant.
Location: Arkham Asylum.
Urgently hiring. Message for inquiries."

I was too drunk to even process the fact that it was at Arkham Asylum. Probably the most dangerous place in the whole city. But I was desperate and not in my right mind, so I applied anyway. Not even a minute later I had gotten a response.

"Y/N L/N,
Thank you for submitting your application. After reviewing your resume, I believe you could possibly be a great fit here at Arkham Asylum. I'd like to schedule an interview with you as soon as possible. Would tomorrow 8:00 A.M. work with you?

Dr. Jonathan Crane, Head Psychologist

Reading that message sobered me up and I was so excited I had found somewhere willing to interview me. I immediately responded and started preparing for my interview tomorrow.

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