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I lay down on my bed, puzzled. Blushing hardly on my pillow, that that felt..good..not gonna lie...I didn't expect a person like him to take advantage of me right there and right now... It felt nice I guess.. His tongue-swirling in my open wound felt painful but nice if it makes sense. I heard someone knocking at my door, rapidly. They didn't let me take a break. I had the courage to open the door. And to my eyes, I see Alastor smiling at me, glancing as if he wasn't being extra a while ago. "what the fuck do you want dick head?" - Lucifer yelled. He really didn't mean to be outrageous at the moment. He stared at Alastor's eyes, waiting for an answer, he slowly reached out to close the door until Allister stopped him and gripped on his hand. "Darling, what are you doing? I haven't started talking yet!" Lucifer felt quite awkward at the moment and couldn't muster a word and so alastor had to wait for him. "Stop gripping on my hand God dammit! You know that hurts right?! This from my screen, when you're literally sucked on my wound, that one time remember?! you better remember! So quit your act and I'll actually talk to you! Alright?" Lucifer screamed, as his horns quite literally were forming Alastor was not intimidated by that but yet he just side eyed him without knowing.

" well, excuse me for being like that! I was wondering if you were going to be okay at the moment. I didn't expect you to be outrageous and fucking annoying at the moment! So why don't you shut up right now and let me talk? After all, this is hell, I can literally tear your soul apart at the moment if I wanted to...~" Alstor said quite demandingly at him, glaring at him with a huge smile that could possibly frighten a child. " well Jesus! don't put down much attitude towards me! Just speak," Lucifer said and Alastor rested his hand on Lucifer's hair and pushed him towards his wall. "Well, Lucifer Morningstar, what are you hoping to do right now?" He sat down. "To rip you apart and sew your remains on my hat. That's what!" Lucifer said quite annoyed by how he's acting, he doesn't expect him to be quiet, such a charming man or gentleman because he doesn't seem to be a person who would be up in about and very energetic all the time yet he wanted that. "You know what? I want answers into why you are even here! You know? Why do you even actually be here? It's not like you actually want to be here! I feels like your being forced to be here!

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