1 Hour In Heaven (Bucky)

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"Alright everyone, I'll be right back." Tony says as he walks away to his room. We all sit in the air conditioned room and relax. Bruce and I are sitting at the piano playing a Bach selection, Natasha and Clint are doing yoga in the corner, Bucky and Steve are playing Chess, Loki and Thor are currently arguing about which poptart flavor is best, Thor arguing for cherry and Loki arguing for Hot Fudge Sundae. Everyone just seems to be relaxed. Tony comes back into the room with his helmet full of little trinkets. There's a lightning bolt necklace, a pair of American Flag boxers, a ring that has an emerald in it, a pair of sunglasses, a vial of a serum, an old arc reactor and a scrap of leather. He sets the helmet down in the middle of the floor and spins it. "Come play my version of 7 minutes in heaven!!!" He yells. Everyone sighs and Nat rolls her eyes. We all sit in a circle on the floor, around the helmet. "I'll go first" you say. You close your eyes tight and reach in grabbing the first thing you touch. You pull it out and open your eyes. You look at the item in your hand and blush. You look at Bucky as you stand up." How long Stark?" "You have an hour together." He states with a big grin. You grab Bucky's hand and pull him into the bedroom. You sit down on the bed and he sits next to you. "I don't want to do anything you don't want to do y/n" you smile and look over at him, "Well in that case..." you trail off and lean in to kiss him. He meets your lips and hungrily kisses you. Surprised for just a moment you stop, then deepen the kiss. He responds and pushes you onto your back, you pull away and he looks like he's done something wrong he starts to say something but you cut him off with a finger to his lips. "Bucky, I have been in love with you for a long time. Your really quiet and sweet to me. I really like you. Will you be my boyfriend?" He stares, shocked for a moment, but then he smiles and nods. "Yes. I would like that." You go back to kissing and before you know it a knock sounds on the door. You reluctantly pull apart and walk to the door, being in your room you really didn't have to leave. You open the door and growl to Stark. "We're busy here." He smirks yells "GET SOME!!!" and runs away. You smile, close the door, turn around to see Bucky undressing quickly, and smugly say "Now where were we?... oh right. I remember now" you push him onto the bed and have a night of fun. In the morning you wake up to him holding you. You smile and kiss his cheek. He opens his eyes and kisses your lips softly. "Lets not tell them about this. Yeah?" He asks. You grin. "Fine with me."

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