First Week- and first friend.

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Amelia [POV]

After my sorting, I started to ask a ton of questions, to Malfoy, who answered as politely as possible with answers like You didn't know that? and well we can't get brooms till we're in at least second year , which I think is annoying. and I will not mention that again. I realized that a ghost with [tw] blood [] all over him was looking at where to sit and I tried really hard to ignore that. 

After some time, I realized Hermione hadn't once made an effort to talk to me. Plus the fact that the food had already appeared out of thin air. I decided to purposely ignore her, till she'd try to talk. Then Malfoy told me to pay attention to the lyrics as we sang the school song, which was probably because I've always been a lost cause when it comes to singing. 

I realized someone was copying my tone, and my eyes wandered off till they met with Hermione's and I realized she was doing it. ON PURPOSE.  Although she sings better than me. I was about to laugh before Malfoy nudged me to pay attention. Oh well. I narrowed my eyes at him after that, but he simply rolled his eyes and told me not to stare at random people. I resisted the urge to tell him Hermione was not, NOT a random person.

I did my best not to get lost getting to the common room as I followed Malfoy, who seemed to know his way around. Except for the fact that he apparently thought he'd know better than the Prefects and did find a way to get us lost - twice. Nah, I'm being too nice. It was five.

The first week's lessons went smoothly, except that in potions, Professor Snape was literally- what do I call it- playing favorites! He never, I repeat, never paid attention to Hermione's hand, which was raised all the time! On top of that, he was simply asking Harry questions that he simply did not know because quote unquote- Harry Potter's famous! For God knows what. 

When I raised my hand though, Professor Snape let me answer. Poor Hermione, she studied for absolutely nothing at Potions. I mean, the professor's clearly playing favorites. Don't get me started on the Defence against the something professor. How he got picked for that subject, I don't know. He gives me the creeps.

At dinner, one day, Malfoy came, all excited. "We're having our first flying lesson, tomorrow!"

"And?" I asked. Malfoy gave an expression of mock horror as Crabbe and Goyle sat across us. 

"And I'm going to be top of that class, not that Gryffindor muggle-born, what's her name?"


"Right. Granger. Maybe I'll be so good that they'll let me try out at Quidditch!"

"What is it with you and last names?" I said, as I perfectly knew what Quidditch was, having heard so much of it. Not how to play, though.

"I call everyone by their last name, Evans."

"Why? Does it make you cooler or something?"

"Pfft- no." He whispered, so the others, including Crabbe and Goyle, couldn't hear. "I suppose it's like a title, for me. You're either my friend, or just a follower."

"So which am I, Malfoy?"

He thought about this, looking at me, now and then. Then he smiled, leaned over and said,

"Call me Draco, Amelia."

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