Admitting Love

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Kanika's P.O.V

It was Friday, and Headmaster Griffin was teaching us how to use our powers for good.

I have been learning this for 2 days. It was so boring. 

"Why do I have to learn this for so long?" I asked myself

I groaned

I was drawing a picture of me and Veronique holding hands in my diary. And, no one was looking at my drawing. Because if they looked at my drawing, it would be so embarassing.

I'm also not sure that Veronique loves me. I know that I had a crush on Veronique, or maybe really like her. I'm afraid that Veronique doesnt love me and be scared of me if she knew I was drawing the picture of me and her.

Suddenly, Headmaster Griffin called my name.

"Kanika? answer number 1 (*pointing to the whiteboard*)" Headmaster Griffin called me

I didnt listen

Headmaster Griffin came to my table, and thats when I realized that she was very furious

"How could you not listen?" Headmaster Griffin angrily asked

I became scared

"Yes, Headmaster Griffin. What do you wanna asked?" I shuderred

"answer my question. What's the answer for question number 1?" Headmaster Griffin pointed to the whiteboard

"Uhhhhhhhh.........What's the question again? I cant look." I tried to get rid of answerring thw question

This just made Headmaster Griffin angrier. She glared at me.

"Answer in front of the class." Headmaster Griffin said

I was so embarassed being in front of the class to answer a question. 

"Uhhhhh......... So, how can we save our magic dimension? A. Using a water pipe, B. By working together, C. By using good magic, D. By being selfish. There are 2 correct answers." I read the question

"So, the answer is A and C." I answerred nervously

The whole class laughed (exclude Veronique) at me. 

I went back to my seat embarassed

Suddenly, the bell rang. Class ended

I embarassedly ran out to the balcony of the tower and grabbed my diary. I hoped no one saw what I drew.

"I just wish I would be strong, not drawing embarassing photos, maybe loving Veronique." I sighed

Veronique's P.O.V

I was wondering where Kanika was going. I love Kanika too. But, I'm not scared to admit it to her. 

Now, I just have to wonder where Kanika is.

I went to the balcony and saw Kanika there.

"Kanika, there you are." I said

"Whats going on?" I put my hand in her shoulder

She was very sad 

"Oh, nothing. Just failing classes." Kanika lied

"I know there are other problems, like a crush on someone?" I asked

Kanika's P.O.V

I wasnt sure about admitting my crush to Veronique, but I trust her.

I took a deep breath.

"I kinda like you, Veronique." I confessed

Veronique's P.O.V

I blushed really red

"I kinda like you too, Kanika." I confessed back

I hugged her

Kanika's P.O.V

I blushed like a tomato

After 15 mins later, we let go of the hug.

"So, when should our 1st date be? And where?" Veronique asked me

"Maybe Monday, after school, in my dorm ." I answerred

"Sounds like a date." Veronique happily replied

We both went back to our dorms

Kanika's P.O.V

I was so happy that me and Veronique are gonna be a couple. I laid down on my bed happily.

Veronique's P.O.V

I was so happy that me and Kanika are gonna be a couple. I hugged my pillow.

Love for each other - A Kanika x Veronique Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now