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Growing up my family lived in a small village,everybody knew eachother there was one local shop one school and one pub.Everybody was up in everyone else's business and as much as a close neighbourhood is peaceful it's almost sickening and was definitely no fun growing up.There was never anything to do at this point me and my siblings have tried every possible way to occupy ourselves but the older we got the less likely it was possible to escape boredom.

That was until a new family moved in down the road they was a mother a father and a girl roughly around my and my little brothers age.Although,their family was very quickly frowned upon,to the parents tattoos and piercings made all the close minded folk turn up their noses whenever they would pass.I found it cool,different, over the upcoming weeks me and their daughter who o later found out to be called rose would often play together at lunch in school till one day to my surprise she offered me to spend the night at hers if my parents was okay with it,i was ecstatic as the biggest grin appeared on my face i nodded quickly and then waited till the end of the day to beg my parents.After maybe 1 hour of convincing they finally agreed to let me have my first sleep over on the condition of i brought my little brother,i agreed though in a strop before we walked over to hers.Ik iy sounds odd for my parents to atleast not take me but as i said small town,everyone knows everyone nothing ever happens in this boring old town.

Opon entering the house the inside was gorgeous almost too clean and perfect,you wouldn't think a 13 year old girl played in here or even lived her.Her parents greeted me and my little brother with extremely big grins welcoming us into their home which they appeard extremely proud off,well my small mind at the time assumed it was because they seen me checking out their house.I was too young and sheltered to see the sinster glow in their eyes behind their beaming grin a sick plan all falling into place like they have just trapped there mice.

After we ordered a take away i noticed roses ora changed completely a unsettling nervousness spread across her face as she sat practically curled up on her sofa avoiding eye contact.Rose said the pizza made her feel sickly and i just brushed it off as that,how was i to know any better.

Afew hours down the line we was all was lying down in the living room preparing to go to sleep.The silence filled the room and the moonlight from out the window slightly elumimated the living room door and surrounding area.I was just about asleep when i heard the soft sniffles coming from rose,i felt bad about how sick she felt and decided i would go comfort her since she is my new best friend.I reached my hand out to grab her shoulder and get her attention,She turned to me quickly rapidly turning around to look me in the eyes ,startling me,her eyes were filled with sorrow and pain all of which emotions i couldn't comprehend at the time. "please just go" she said in a soft pity full voice looking me dead in the eye with a emotionless expression.I was confused to say the least as i looked at her then back at my snoring little brother,"huh" i mumbled tilting my head like a small dog when ur telling them off.she took a deep breath and explained "if you wanna leave this house you will run now and never look back".My blood ran cold as i heard the living room door burst open.

My little brother sleepily shot up and fixed his gaze on the father,This looked nothing like the modern father i craved before he looked feral blood dripping down his mouth onto his white blood stained robe and a large butchers knife in his hand he grinned a sickening heart stopping smile while slowly rising his finger to his mouth making a shh motion smudging blood on long his rosie red lips.

Before i knew it my friend was outa sight.Me and my little brother was tied up upstairs with the parents and multiple unrecognisable faces of random men and women with the same hideous overly large blood filled smile look down at our tiny frames.

A older chubby man clapped hips sweaty hands together and rubbing them like u would when a massive plate of your favourite meal is placed infront of u while grinning like a physco.he looks us both up and down before pointing at my brother signalling for him to be brought to his feet.I screamed and pleaded for them to let him go as he sobbed kicking and crying for my mother.His sobs grew silent as he was shoved onto his feet infront of the obese man covered head to toe in blood,fear consumed me as i watched him grab hokf of my brothers arm while the rest held him in place inculding my former friends i was lost in thought overwhelmed by the situation the silence was broken by them all chatting in a forgien language that sounded almost made up it was almost memorising,sickening unsettling and soothing at the same,i was enchanted by it even fascinated,That was until the unsettling screams of my little brother echoed through the small room as the man cut off one of this fingers and swallowed it infront of him.Before licking his lips and taking off more eating them raw infront of us i can't count the amount of times i thrown up,how much fear i felt watching all the once seemingly normal adults drool at the sight of him cutting up my brother and eating it.To be honest i am almost thankful my brother passed out from pain when he did.

Then it all came to a stop after a loud bang at the door,all the adults fled  scurrying like rats at the room and i'm assuming out the house.

I don't remember much after that,times led me to forget,my little brother doesn't remember anything, i guess trauma does that to ya,he is happy now 22 with a prostectic hand,that'll always haunt me off the night all those years ago, reminding me of his screams of terror and pain while i sat there helplessly.We don't talk about that event in my house hold though, anyone that asks my brother got in a nasty accident.To save him the years of therapy,that's what we have told him.It hurt me badly seeing his new girlfriend walk through the door this christmas who we all longed to see,the girl that made my little brother the happiest man in the world apparently,her name was rose.

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