60~Tears Of Blood

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•Happy Holi•


First of all happy holi to all of you and do read the chapter don't forget to comment and vote.

Adhisha's POV

I stared at the wall before me thinking nothing in my mind, and let the water soak my body.

Who would have thought? My life too can lead smoothly, but after that deal between us, everything seems so changed.

He almost handed me all rights to live the way I want in this house and I grabbed them just to backstab him one day.

I feel good when I get space to roam in this hell, at least I feel alive for quite some time.

I know something is cooking in his head but who would tell me what it is, so I decided to make my path, doesn't matter if it's rough or thorny.

I switched off the shower and got inside the closet room, I grabbed a thin strap knee-length white dress and got ready with no make-up.

I feel scared to see in the mirror, I can't stare at that dirty woman, I feel disgusted with her and I hate her so much that I wish I would never face her.

I sighed and again got out of the room to pretend as a devoted wife, I am doing every fucking thing from last two weeks a wife should do, taking care of him, from his food to his bed.

Every fucking thing that proves I want to give this relationship a chance, want to lead a life with him painful or happy doesn't matter when I know I am aiming an arrow in the dark.

But it doesn't mean his behaviour changed towards me, it worsened but it's proof that my actions affected him.

Makes him feel the things he never did and I know Adhisha Singhaniya is on the right path.

Maids greeted me when I entered the kitchen giving me those same scared and weird glances they gave on the first day of me entering here.

There were at least six maids but when they saw me they all lined up and stood straight not even daring to look at me and I greatly did my job of ignoring them.

I don't want to let anyone die because of me, I won't even get a place in hell after my death and I truly want to visit heaven.

I sighed and focused on my work, trashing all the thoughts out of my brain.

I decided to cook something special for him whatever he likes, but I don't fucking know what the hell he likes until today I was cooking whatever I wanted and for once he didn't say he didn't want to eat it.

I turned towards the maid and asked, "What does Sir usually like to eat?"

She gulped and began looking at other maids while the head maid spoke, who was standing near the door.

"He never eats here Mam, he has been eating here since you started cooking so we don't have any idea."

She answered and I looked at her, before again asking, "Where does he eat then?"

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