Love Making

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We had Daughters named Keshav, Kumari, Mackenzie, Anjuna, Victoria and Georgina and sons named Arjun and Allen, and now they all had Blonde Hair and were training for MMA, Barr Knuckles and Professional Wrestling as well as being Doctors, Supermodels and Managing the Businesses too and now finally.

After 3 years, we finally had sex, Julia brought her black whiplash and drugs and we finally met up again, and we talked about the future, past achievements and family life, and now, we finally had sex in a remote cabin in Jaipur, I created my own Motorcycle Club or Biker Club called Crimson Riders MC and many are actually taking over entire cities, The World descended into Chaos, Donald Trump died via Old Age, and he will be remembered, Vladimir Putin died by Old Age, North Korea unified into Korean Republic and Kim Family found Asylum in Canada, Iran went into a War with Israel, Saudi Arabia backed them all and Iran was Bombed by Saudi and Israel, Palestinian People are now stateless, The Various Governments of Germany, France, England, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Ireland deported Muslims and Africans down, Liberals were killed on the streets, Chechnya became Shelter for Arab and Afro Refugees who turned on Chechans and a Civil War happened in the Caucuses, Paganism rose again and so did Christianity, and Russia imploded down too, Putin died, Slavic Republics split up, Islamic Republics split up, Tundra and Ural Republics split up, Kalmykia became their own country, Turkic Nations and Azerbaijan went into their own Wars and now the countries are destroyed, Azerbaijan housed Pakistani and Afghanistan Refugees with Somalis who attacked and killed Hindus, Buddhists and Russians, Azerbaijani Goverment deported them to their own countries, American Government exposed the Elitist and Globalists, William Henry Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeffrey Epstein logs are outed and Hollywood collapsed, White Nationalism took over and White Liberals were rounded off and killed one by one, Australia saw a growth of White Population, Afghan Population was deported from there too, Taliban and ISIS lost powers and disbanded, Afghanistan lost their official religion, Pakistan collapsed down too, China collapsed down too and BRICS dissolved as Russia and China collapsed, Ughyurs and Rohingyas settled in Uzbekistan, Italians killed Pakistani and African Migrants, Greece shot down Hundreds and defeated Turkey in a Border War, Iran collapsed into Christian and Parsi Nations, Kurds got their own country, United Kingdom deported Hundreds of Thousands of Africans, Arabics and Pakistanis, Indian Hindus were asked to leave, Countries like USA, UK, UAE, Saudi, India, Qatar, Canada etc prospered.

Mexico and Ecuador did a Crackdown on Drug Cartels and killed Thousands upon Thousands, Crime Rates decreased by 200% Chinese Communists released more Viruses, Wiping Out Entire Populations across Africa and Pakistan, The African Countries disbanded into Chaos once again, Pakistan went into Chaos, Overpopulation in India became an Issue, and many Indians were send to live in African Countries due to Diplomacy, Beggars were told not to have children, Beggars have more children than anyone with Money is an Observation of mine and now my Childhood Bullies, they are all Broke now and still living in Jaipur, Ego Broke a decade ago.

Julia Hart and I kissed passionately and I give her a Head like Old Days, she sucked my dick passionately and moaned Baby Boy, there was a Golden Labrador named Alexa here, and I held her on my Dick and she went Anal, she said Let's Reproduce and have more Kids and I said Give me A Daughter and a Son, a Boy and I went and put my dick in her Vagina, Interracial Dating doesn't happen, the New Generation of White (European, Jewish, North African, Central Asian/Turkic) Women and even Non - White Blondes and Redheads don't wish to marry anyone who is of another Race, Generation Z is a retarded meme even to this day, Zoomers don't exist and World went into Pagan Ways, AI is no longer used and discounted and people wish to live with no Machines now, in Nature with Animals.

We Went Vaginal and I was 40 and she was 42 and I put Semen into her again, and I told her see you 9 more months later, I even had sex with her when she was Pregnant or when I impregnated her, Jessy Rodrigo married a White Boy names Alexander Jenkins who's 4 years younger than her and they had 4 children and they are friends with my children too, and finally Seth Rollins retired, Darby Allen retired and Many More Retired, many died too and finally we stepped out and began walking the fetus will be beautiful like i always was and now we walked on Grass again, World is Split with Nature Lovers on one side and the other City Dwelling Miserable Fucks on the other side.

I finally met my kids and walked them down The Wrestling and MMA Aisle and Modelling Aisle and many More, Paganism, Buddhism and Hinduism dominate, Russia is now a Hindu and Slavic Pagan Country, Sweden and Denmark are Odinism following, Ireland is Celtic again, Paganism took over and Communist Regimes are now over, Venezuela lost a War and Communism left Cuba and Venezuela, Cuba merged with America only, we both retired and now I met my bullies Sparsh Arora, Annanya Sharma, Kartikeya Tripathy, Kabir Kinger, Parth Pareek, Manan Sharma, Jatin Sharma and Mehul Khichar from College and they're all Divorced, Addicted, Broke and Jobless living on Welfare Checks and I made sure they stay that way in Reunions too.

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