Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello & Welcome To My First Evil Within Fanfiction! It's actually the first one I've published. All of the others were written on paper and forgotten. They didn't have a good plot, or decent vocabulary... Anywho, enjoy! I don't own anything but my OC's and the story line of this fanfiction. All rights to ¤Bethesda and Tango Gameworks
My OC's: Sadie Castellanos; Fem!Seb & Martyn Castellanos; Male!Myra

Late P.M came quickly in the office. Sadie stayed late, as she had been doing for the week. The case she took was difficult. Murder cases were on an intermediate level, but when there is a mastermind murderer, that's when the going gets tough. There were so many people involved with the case, all the bystanders and accessories. Everything just made her head hurt. The worst part of it, was that she couldn't even eliminate anyone that possibly wasn't the murderer. Everyone was just so guilty-looking. Sadie rubbed the bridge of her nose in exhaust. It was late, she had a husband that was most likely waiting for her to come home. She was lucky that he was a stay-at-home kind of husband, because she made enough to put bread on the table, buy Gucci and Balmain purses and go to Disneyland all in one year. It gave her this feeling of being needed and it made her feel powerful. It would still be nice to have a husband that worked, but instead, he was working on a book, one that he was sure to be a New York Times Bestseller. She still had her doubts, but it could happen. At that moment, her partner, Joseph Oda, walked by with a glass in hand.

"Hey, Sadie." Joseph sat down in a chair next to her desk. "How are you holding up?" He asked, setting the glass in a clear spot among the scattered sheets of paper. Joseph knew his partner so well. Scotch on the rocks was Sadie's go to drink whenever she had a case, big or small. This case, she really needed some liquor, and she needed a lot of it. She half smiled and picked up a manilla folder and skimmed through the info.

"Fine. Just fine." She threw the folder back down on the desk and took the glass from off the desk and downed half the drink. Stress ate at her like nobody's business. She could feel her stomach being wrapped in barbed wire and lit on fire with every case she took. The pain she felt every night when she didn't get a lead, and it had been so long. She would stare up at the ceiling, in flagellation. She mentally beat herself by not sleeping some nights, drinking her pain away without a second thought. It made her sick, but she felt as if she needed to be punished, for not bringing the perpetrator to justice. But she knew that this was what she signed up for.

"How's the case going so far?" He asked, leaning back in his chair. She chuckled out of her nose, and placed her hand over her mouth.

"Not so great. If White sees that I don't have a lead, he'll fire my ass." She leaned forward, placing her elbows on the desk, burying her face in her hands. "And on top of that," she added, reaching for the glass, "Martyn stopped writing." She lifted her head and finished the drink. "He's using the classic excuse, 'writer's block', as his scapegoat." Joseph took the glass from her hands and set it aside.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Joseph said comfortingly, placing his hand on her shoulder as a form of saying 'it's alright.'

"It's fine. I just need stress relief." She stood and walked to the break room. She poured another glass of scotch and walked back to her office, drinking some of the alcohol. She opened the door, seeing her partner leaning against her desk, his arms crossed. He looked at the glass in her hand.

"More scotch?" He asked, arching an eyebrow. She was known to never drink the same drink twice in a row. It just wasn't usually something she did when she had a case to solve. Scotch was her favorite drink, but she never drank it twice in a day.

"Yeah. I'll make you a glass if you want some."

"No, I still have to drive home." He walked toward Sadie, taking the glass and putting it on a small table next to the door. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. He pushed the hair on her ear back and gnawed at her earlobe, making a small whimper fall from her mouth.

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