18. their heartbeats

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The cold wind blew, sweeping away the leaves fallen on the ground and the moon shone bright, lighting up the city. Every other thing seemed to have been going smoothly except for her heart drumming loudly against her chest.

Meanwhile, another heart beated just as fast and loud, causing the owner to be nervous and almost lose sense of where he was driving to. “Shit, almost missed that turn"

The garden of the Hong family’s house had all the lights turned off, with the full moon being the only source of light that helped people see around.

Jiyeon, who had ordered for all the lights to be turned off so that her parents don't spy on her, waited patiently for Jeonghan to arrive at her house.

She has no idea of what's about to come but she knows one thing for sure, and it's that she won't let anything come between them today. She'll hear everything he has to say to her and judge only after thinking everything through.

There is nothing she wants more than to have a happy ending for whatever they're about to talk about today, but something inside of her tells her that it won't have the ending she hopes for.

The speed of the car slowed down, the wheels halting at a point, creating a screech sound that echoed throughout the quiet and almost dead-like area of the family’s residence that's only owned by them, with no other home except theirs.

Turning the engine off, Jeonghan departed from his car, stepping out onto the ground that he had last stepped on at least 6 years ago.

Memories flooded back into his mind, of all the times he had walked on this street, hand in hand with her. With much hope that he can experience those feelings again, he walked towards the huge gate that's barricading their garden and the road.

Noticing his presence, a guard immediately walked out towards him, squinting his eyes to be able to recognize the gentleman before him with his poor eyesight and with there being no light except for the moons.

“I don't seem to recognize you, young man. Are you a new friend of Joshua?” He questioned after spending a minute trying to guess who the man was, but failing to do so.

On the other hand, Jeonghan had already recognized the man standing before him, only keeping his mouth shut to give the man a chance to guess but he realized he can't really see much with the shortage of lighting around.

“I'm sorry for not introducing myself yet. I'm Yoon Jeonghan, the future son in law of this house"

Clearly forgetting his job at this place, Jeonghan got into a sudden mood to joke with the old man, leaving the poor girl waiting for him.

“Oh? Yoon Jeonghan as in, our princess Jiyeon's love of her life?"

And the old man didn't seem to be in any different mood either, going along with the younger's silliness and acting as if he didn't completely recognize him.

The both soon bursted into laughter, enveloping each other into a tight hug. “It's been a long time, my boy" The man said, patting the younger's back.

"It's nice to see you are still here and doing well, Mr. Doh. I didn't think I would see you here” Jeonghan said in a more formal tone this time after both pulling away from the hug.

“Of course I'm still here, this is my home, I grew up here, with the help of this family, I'll never leave this place until my last days” He said with pride and gratefulness towards Hong Minhyun, Jiyeon and Joshua's father, for giving him shelter when no one else did.

“But, more than you, I believe I'm more surprised to see you here. I didn't think I would ever see you around here ever again. I'm guessing, our lovely princess is waiting for her dear prince to arrive and rescue her from the world of bad?” Mr. Doh worded oh so dramatically, causing Jeonghan to burst into fits of laughter.

“You still haven't changed, Mr. Doh. You still speak very dramatically and dreamy about us” Jeonghan laughed.

"Well, you are. Now, I should let you go to your princess and not hold you back. She's been waiting for quite a while now” The elderly said, letting Jeonghan go to where he had originally been headed to.

"I'll get going then. Take care of yourself, Mr. Doh Jeonghan bowed to show respect and walked towards the gate, and into the garden in the front yard of the house.

As he walked forward, his eyes were only on her, who was sitting on the chair all alone, waiting for him to arrive. Her hair flew to many directions due to the force of the wind, making her look like a dream that only he can dream of.

Sensing the presence of someone behind her, Jiyeon turned her head around, being met by his beautiful orbs.

As if nothing else around them mattered, they kept staring into each other's eyes, forgetting everything around them, forgetting the relationship between them and the situation they were in.

It all looked so cinematic to Mr. Doh as he couldn't help but look out the window and watch them, hoping for nothing but a happy ending to the night.

As soon as sense hit her, she turned away, emotions flowing through her like flows of water through her veins. She closed her eyes, rejecting the tears to flow out from her eyes.

Jeonghan walked ahead, taking a moment before finally taking a seat beside her on the wooden bench.

For a while, it was just silence that enveloped them. None of them dared to speak a word. Unlike the other night, today they were in a much quieter place, in a much more private environment, making the awkwardness and the nervousness of them louder than before.

After a short while, Jiyeon finally decided to break the uncomfortable and annoying silence and spoke, trying her best to sound as cold as possible, because she didn't want to sound as hurt as she truly was deep down. “Aren't you supposed to tell me something?"

As her voice reached his eardrums, his heart beat increased an insane amount, making him much more nervous.

“Say it, I didn't come here, leaving my family time to only hear your breathing sound" She said, after not hearing a word from him but only his loud breaths and heartbeat, that even she could hear.

A chuckle managed to escape his lips despite his beating heartbeat, finding her words cute — which he wasn't supposed to find cute.

Jeonghan, still not saying a word, only looked up at her face, admiring her and not even trying to hide it, which of course didn't go unnoticed by her.

Unlike other times, his gaze didn't make her feel the slightest bit of discomfort, in fact, it made her flustered, which surprised her.

They way he looked at her with so much love and appreciation, anyone would melt by that look.

Not holding it back anymore, Jiyeon let her eyes freely find its way into his, staring back, with just the same amount of love underneath the overlay of hatred that she tried to fake.

Even she couldn't deny that the majority percent of the hate she had for him has melted down after having a talk with Joshua, who assured her that she still has hope.

“You're beautiful" Jeonghan uttered, completely immersed into her ocean-like eyes, staring deep into it like that's the only thing in the world that matters.

Jiyeon's eyes betrayed her, betraying her hard work to keep her cold act up and softened up. Hearing those words from him after so long, in that tone that he always used to speak to her, made her feel emotions she used to feel in the past, only when she would be with him.

Jeonghan's lips curled up slightly, smiling sweetly at her, softening her heart. Just how much she loves that little smile of his.

He slowly slid his hands onto her lap, taking a hold of her hands which made her body stiffen up for a second by surprise, but calmed down as soon as she felt his touch lay on her. He held onto her hand, her once cold hands now warming up from the heat of his.

“I'm sorry" Jeonghan almost broke down as he spoke those two words. Her eyebrows slightly crooked up, taken aback by surprise.

Her softened heart suddenly filled with anger once again, as it hit her why they're here in the first place. She had almost forgotten everything because of his hypnotizing eyes.

“Sorry? Is that gonna fix anything, Yoon Jeonghan?"

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒. yoon jeonghan ✓Where stories live. Discover now