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narrative !

kusuo leaned against the doorframe of y/n's room, his eyes scanning over the familiar decorations around her room.

"fuck you being mean for?" y/n frowned as she plugged her phone into its charger. her lips formed a thin line as she turned to look at him, her eyes narrowing. "you gon answer?" her eyes narrowed as she waited, the pink haired males comment and staring seriously about to piss her off.

"i'm not being mean, thats how you look."

"i'm gonna leave."

"i'm sorry, c'mere." kusuo frowned slightly, his hand motioning for her to come closer. she stared at him for a while before making her way over to him, her arms wrapping around his neck. his hands gripped her waist, hoisting her up so her legs could wrap around him. to avoid her falling off him, his arms rested under her ass, the position slightly squeezing her thighs.

"you're upset, what's wrong?" he walked towards her bed, carefully sitting down and scooting back to reach the head board. it's not like kusuo didn't know what was wrong, how could he not? but at the same time he actually wanted to talk to her about it.

"aiura. i shouldn't be fussing about it but it just pisses me off, she really pisses me off. maybe i'm just getting annoyed because i know you two had stuff going on— but she obviously misses you." she explained quietly while adjusting her position to straddle him, her legs forming an 'w' shape.

"i've only known you for a little bit while according to nendou, you've known each other since high-school. you two probably know hella shit about each other, then i'm just... here."

"so you wanna get to know me better? y/n that wasn't so hard to say." kusuo teased her. he couldn't help but grin when her face made a scowl, her head slowly turning away so she could side eye him. "nigga shut up." she frowned.

his hand cupped her face and moved it back to face him, a sigh escaping his lips. "im 20, my birthday is august 16. i went to p.k. academy with literally everyone in the groupchat, kokomi, and y'know.. experiment 77." he started while his thumb made small circles on the [color]skinned womans cheek.

"i like coffee jelly and i have a scientist brother who lives in the UK, we didn't get along at first but now we're cool. he's just a bit of an asshole sometimes, y'know? always wanting to play games at his big grown ass age— anyways," kusuo rambled a bit before steering back on track.

y/n laughed at the way he talked about his brother, obviously they seemed to be on bad terms at one point, but now whenever she saw the two in each others comments their interactions were always sweet. it must've just been their way of showing love.

"i played baseball over summer in high-school on complete accident, it's all nendou's fault. i also was in the occult club which was this other guys fault, you don't want to meet him, trust. he's a womanizer— anyways i also have my motorcycle license. i got it with kuboyasu and shun that same summer. basically they filled up my whole summer and i was so pissed."

kusuo ended up smiling as he talked about the events of his life, he acted like he hated all the stuff that'd happened but y/n could tell he loved all the silly things they did. "did kokomi really have a crush on you in high-school?" she brought up, watching his face turn sour which only made her giggle.

"my whole 3 years she was chasing me around. at the same time she just really wanted validation from someone who didn't pay attention to her, she grew out of it. hanging out with her and trying to avoid all her advances was actually fun though, minus the amount of times her fan club almost jumped me." kusuo frowned. his hands moved to her lower back and pulled her to closer to him, his eyes locked onto hers "tell me about you now."

y/n chuckled a bit, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly. "it's embarrassing." she mumbled, her eyes avoiding his gaze. she felt kusuo's flick her forehead, a small 'ow' escaping her lips as she looked down at him. "as long as you didn't do anything absolutely insane, i won't judge." he assured her.

"im 18, my birthday is [birthday], i ran track but that was only for my sophmore year, and i did student government association after that. i went out a lot, y'know 'cause of family i was always on vacations. but mostly i focused on school." she explained.

"now when i went out— uh... i'd fight a lot and uh..." she started to look around the room, obviously second guessing what she was about to say.

"you were a whore."

"i only have two bodies and i've known both of them for a while, FOR YOUR INFORMATION."

kusuo hummed, his head tilting. "and those two were?" he suddenly asked, making y/n begin to look around the room again.

he was trying to refrain from reading her mind, which was sort of easy as the names didn't automatically just shoot out in her head.

"you have to tell me your bodies first." she frowned, her hand reaching to grab his cheek and pull on it. kusuo groaned in response, his eyebrows furrowing.

she let go of his cheek so he could answer, which wasn't even a good idea for her to ask anyway. "only had one, it was aiura." he replied while rubbing his cheek.

her face just dropped, a blank expression across it.

"first and only body and she still want him? i'm cooked." y/n thought to herself, her fingers fiddling with her blonde and pink peekaboo island twists.

"stop worrying, i don't like her anymore." kusuo reassured her once he noticed the awkward look on her face. his hands slid up the under of her hoodie, rubbing the bare skin on her back and pulling her closer to him. "tell me who your two were."

"my first was this boy kartier and my second was uh... aren."


"it was a one time thing— we didn't really know each other yet."

kusuo just stared at her, his eyes wide and his mouth open. y/n started laughing at his expression before hugging him, "promise— i swear. like super duper really we'd never do it again."

"you promised."

"yes i promi—"

"now c'mere."

iyana ! / author note !
next chap ˘͈ᵕ˘͈

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