Chapter 004: Deep Love and Strong Hatred

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Vajra and her allies have successfully left the big halls of the building which belongs to the Humanoid Alliance. Through the white facility which was once her own, Vajra leaves this time with contempt and hatred deep in her cold heart. When leaving the building they are confronted with nothing but technology. Not a single trace of green nature was left to find in this place. Her right eye closes while her left squints when analyzing the situation. Since everything is different to when it was Vajra's time, the three allies now need a plan in order to arrive at their destination: The Golden Land of Xezal.

Vajra: "This place is nothing what it once was. Just how much has changed ever since I fell into my deep slumber. What a tragic disappointment."

Vajra, Ra and Xiaozhi stand still for a second. Time seems unimportant when looking at the scenery outside the HQ of the Alliance. Even if they are outside, the world is still as mechanical and white as it was within the building. Robotics move around, every soldier is on guard when trying to fight off the other intruder which the team used as a distraction to leave.

Xiaozhi taps with his long and white fingers on Vajra's shoulder as she glares at the scene emotionlessly.

Xiaozhi: "Ma'am, you see... I don't wanna annoy you but we better get going~"

Ra also nods when they look at Vajra. Her body slightly jerks a bit when he touches her shoulder as she is startled from the surprise. She then glances over to him and then back at their surroundings again. No further words appear to leave her mouth, however, so she can just focus on her inner thoughts, on what needs to be done next. A little bit annoyed over his comment she decides to speak once again.

Vajra: "I am aware. And I am certain you two already thought of a plan beforehand?"

Xiaozhi nods as well. Finally it seems as this was his time to shine! The former scientist sighs in annoyance, moving her hand to her forehead as the Parasite flies around her. He wiggles with his arms like a child which tries creating a snow angel in winter.

Xiaozhi: "Of course, Ma'am~ As if I would ever let you hanging! You should be excited to say the least! After all amazing companions will bring us to Xezal!"

Howewer Vajra focuses on fixing the white cloth which covers her body while sanitizing her shoulder that Xiaozhi touched not even a second ago. A cold glare shoots in his direction once he tries entertaining her with his childish antics. The thought of meeting other people, especially after her traumatic experiences, is not something she would consider being fun or pleasant at all. In fact it just leaves an annoyed and almost disgusted feeling within her. This is what she wants to avoid the most during their whole journey to Xezal. Yet she decides to ignore his remark and just move along for the time being before she sighs in a quiet manner. After that she demands in a cold way for the Host and his Parasite to explain their further plan. It is quite common that Vajra demands answers. At the same time she is annoyed in fact by the strong sunlight, which makes it seem like you are in the deepest part of the Xezalian desert, as it is shining so brightly on them. Ra's nation is, as we know by now, a land full of sun and desert just like its title says. The sun is right above the middle of that country, above the capital city Zenith. Since this is the highest place to where the sun can possible be the citizens of Xezal named their capital city after it. The city where the sun is at it's highest point. The sunlight is very bright, making Vajra's diamond hair shine way too brightly. Her pale skin also is not a fan of the sun ray either. She cannot get a sunburn due to her diamond like skin but still.

Ra: "I let the sun guide our allies."

The king of said country replies to Vajra, pointing with his finger at a specific solar beam far, far away. That solar beam is so strong that it seems to be burning everything it shines on. Upon noticing the burning sunlight her cold glare switches to a look of discomfort which she quickly tries to hide by looking away once Ra finished his sentence. She knows very well that this bright, painful light can be very harmful to her skin if she got exposed to it too much or for a too long period of time. The former leader of the Humanoid Alliance, while looking away, speaks after a little moment of silence.

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