Ring - Part 10

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-1 Week Later-

Selena's POV

"What exactly is one of those dark rooms?" I asked Ben

We were sitting eating breakfast together in Puerto Rico in 'our' house talking about a room in a near by bar we like to hang out in

He laughed

"It's a dark room where a group of people go in and fuck each other" Ben chuckled

"That's weird" I laughed Ben joined

"So wait guys like get fucked too?" I asked

"Sometimes they do" he nodded

"Have you ever been to one?" I asked him

"To get fucked in my ass?" He laughed and then I joined

"Maybe there were just girls" I suggested

"Oh, still no I haven't" he said honestly

"Maybe if you and I go in one by ourselves" he winked at me

"Ben" I smiled and threw him a potato

"What you wanna do today?" Ben asked me

"It's a beautiful Sunday and the world is yours" Ben smiled at me

"It's Sunday?" I mumbled to myself realizing today was Kaitlyn's induction day

Justin's POV

"Dude forget everything else right now, you're about to be a father" Stephan said to me as we were sitting in the hospital waiting for Kaitlyn to give birth

Eli's been dragging me around to be there for Kaitlyn and this baby

"I don't want to be this baby's father" I admitted with a straight face and just a bad mood

"I want no connection to Kaitlyn ever" I stated to Stephan

"Oh well" Eli said to me

A doctor approached us

"Justin Bieber?" He asked

Eli pointed to me

"Kaitlyn Renolds wants you in the room with her" the doctor explained to me

"You should be in the room with her and your son" Eli said to me

"No thanks" I stated sternly to the doctor

"Justin" Eli said to me

"I'm not going in there idc what you do" I stated to Eli

"I'll let her know" The doctor gave a small nod and walked off

"Justin this is the birth of your son, do you understand that?" Eli said to me

"That baby is not mine, that baby is not my son" I stated

"I'm disappointed in you" Eli shook his head got up and walked away


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