Part 10~ 1993 Year 3

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Finally, the day came for the Hogsmeade trip. I was excited to go. I walked to the courtyard with Ron, Harry, and Hermione. Harry was stopped by Minnie. He couldn't go because he didn't get his permission form signed.

So, the three of us walked into the magical town. I told them I wanted to go to Zonko's, but the two of them went to get drinks and food from the Three Broomsticks.

When I walked into Zonko's I noticed not much had changed. There were a few new products, but nothing out of the ordinary. I went to pick up a new gadget, but accidentally bumped into a really tall boy with bright red hair like Ron's.

"Fred, guess what?" I heard someone shout. An identical boy came running up to us but stopped and looked at me. "Oh, hi."

"Hi, are you Ron's brothers?"


"I'm Fred,"

"And I'm George."

They kept finishing each other's sentences like they had practiced that.

I laughed and said, "He tells me you're troublemakers. Can I help?" The twins looked at each other.

"Yes." They said simultaneously.

I smiled and said, "Come with me." I led them to the back of the store where James always got his stuff for pranks.

"This was fun, but I have to go meet someone at the Three Broomsticks. I'll see you later." I waved and walked off.

When I walked into the restaurant, I saw Theo waiting at a booth. I walked over to him and sat down.


"Hi, Alice. What have you been doing?"

"I just stopped in Zonko's."

"The joke shop?"

"That's the one."

"I wouldn't have guessed."

"What have you been doing?"

"I went to the quidditch store down the street."

"Do you play?"

"Yeah, do you?"

"Yeah, are you any good?"

"Mhm, I'm a chaser, we weren't looking for anything in the shop, really, we just need a new seeker."

"You're fucking with me, really?"

"No, I'm not, why?"

"I'm a seeker. And a pretty damn good one too."

"You have to try out then."

"Yeah, of course, who's your captain?"

"Marcus Flint, but he's a seventh year, so he is pretty strict now. He really wants to win the House cup."

"I bet." I said laughing. I'm glad I met someone who shares something their passionate about with me.


After Theo and I had a few more butter beers, we went back to the castle. We mostly talked about quidditch, but I didn't mind. It wasn't too late, so I decided to go down to the Black Lake, something that my friends and I would always do. I was feeling homesick, so hopefully this would help.

I sat down on the damp grass with a copy of . I turned to where my bookmark was, but before I could finally relax for a minute, I heard a low growl. I snapped my head up to be met with a large black dog. When it saw me, it started wagging its tail.

"Hey, buddy, you look like someone I knew." I pet the dog. He was sweet and cuddly. I can't believe Sirius would betray Lily and James like that.

Theo and I walked out of the Three Broomsticks together about ten minutes before we were supposed to be back at Hogwarts. I stopped in my path when I caught a glimpse of a wanted poster with a moving image.

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