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July 8, 2023

Hysterically, Mingi grabbed Yunho's arm and stopped him before he could run down the stairs. "Think about it. We don't know everything yet. It would be wrong to confront Hongjoong now," Mingi said to convince Yunho.

"He lied to me," Yunho said, frustrated and angry at the same time. Mingi's hand slipped to Yunho's hand and grabbed it to calm him down. "Let's think about it first. If you still want to go to him, I won't stop you." Mingi looked directly into Yunho's eyes and hoped that he would be appeased. They stood there in silence for a few seconds until Yunho's expression finally softened. "Okay," he said quietly and didn't stop Mingi when he was pulled back into his room by him.
Mingi closed the door behind them and pulled Yunho back to the bed.

They sat down and when Mingi had the chance to look at Yunho again, his heart skipped a beat because Yunho had tears in his eyes. "Do you really think my parents sold me?" he said, and there was so much pain in his voice that it broke Mingi's heart. Mingi took Yunho's hands in his.
"I don't know, Yunho. But even if they did, maybe they had a good reason." Yunho looked dejectedly at his and Mingi's hands. "What reason is good enough to sell your child?"

Mingi didn't know. He didn't even know it was possible to sell a human. "You know what I don't understand?" Yunho suddenly sobbed. Mingi looked at him expectantly. "If my parents sold me to Hongjoong's family, why the hell was I kidnapped by the Yakuza and held there for weeks?" Mingi became more and more confused. It all made little sense to him. "Maybe the Yakuza and Hongjoong's father had a deal that we don't know about?"

Yunho looked at him, perplexed. The first tears rolled down his cheeks. "It's just so confusing. I don't even know who I am anymore." Mingi stroked Yunho's cheek gently with his thumb. "You're Yunho, my boyfriend. I know everything is overwhelming right now, but we can do this together. Okay?"

Mingi didn't know what else to say. But he knew he would help Yunho no matter what. Yunho said no more, but pulled Mingi to him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you for being there for me," he whispered. "No problem," Mingi said and patted the back of his head.


The next day, Yunho was already dressed when Mingi woke up. A little overwhelmed, Mingi rolled out of the thick blanket. "What are you doing?" Mingi asked Yunho, who was standing at his small desk and immediately turned to face him.

"I know we talked about it yesterday, but I don't want to wait any longer.
I have the right to know the damn truth." Mingi stood up, still a little sleepy. "Are you sure Yunho? What if Hongjoong..." Yunho interrupted him. "Everything will be fine," he said in a calm tone.

Mingi had no idea if Yunho was just pretending or if he was really that calm. He was afraid of what would happen, but he knew he couldn't stop Yunho. Before Yunho went to the door, he put something in his sweater bag. Mingi looked after him skeptically and when he had disappeared, he walked after him.

Mingi walked down the stairs after Yunho. To his surprise, everyone was sitting at the table in the kitchen, even Hongjoong. Mingi tried to stop Yunho when they got to the bottom of the stairs, but Yunho pulled out of his grasp. "Let me handle it," he said. Mingi stood uncertainly at the stairs. He should trust Yunho, but his fear of what would happen was too great.

Yunho walked to the table without saying a word. When all eyes were finally on him, he threw something small onto the table, which skittered across the smooth surface. Mingi could see from a distance how Yunho's expression changed again.

"What's that?" San asked and was the first to examine the small object. An ironic smile appeared on Yunho's lips. "How about you ask Hongjoong." All eyes turned to Hongjoong, who looked up disinterestedly. His eyes wandered to the USB stick that San was now holding in his hand.

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