Wierd 2

3 0 0

Oh your here my creator

Yeah it's been a long time

It has hasn't it

I see your here also Sampson

As I would say

We're is Jacob

Not sure don't care

He is doing his daily duties

And what is that

You have to wait for the book

God damnit Philosopher

But it is true

Shut the fuck up Sampson

But what is our meeting for today

The others that left still try to ruin

I see

I had a nightmare these past days

So what are they about

Death everyone is dead and I'm alone

Are you alright

Not really

So what now

Rose helped me she helps me all the time

That is good My Creator

It's not though


Because I need to do it myself

But nothing is wrong in help from others

I hate it though I continue to rely on everyone I need to do it myself and survive like I need to


Don't but me Philosopher do not start and do not tell me


She cares about me and I don't know what to do

I see

Then let's leave for today I need to sleep

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