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No one truly knows where this story begins, but here's a good idea.

The prince was walking along a dirt path with many twists and turns. With their outfit compiled of mainly dark blue hues, a nice crown of the same variant sat atop their head, medium length almost black hair yet still brown ran down their back.

Little did this prince know, there was an arctic fox with a very different complexion waiting for them.

"Wow..." the prince spoke in disbelief, seeing the gorgeous scenery around them. How could any place like this not already be inhabited by humans?

The fox watched from the shadows, hiding behind trees as the prince wandered aimlessly. The fox pulled out a phone from her pocket, something the humans used to use before they went extinct. They looked at the phone, seeing a picture of a wanted poster plastered to a wall. The picture on said poster? Well, it perfectly matched the prince dressed in a navy blue suit before her.

"The last human" Is what the paper read along with the prize money of 100,000 dollars. The fox could live so luxuriously with this money, and do whatever they pleased. But it wasn't the right time yet.

The fox noticed the prince's fast pace, and tried to keep up with them. While shoving the phone back in the fox's oversized jacket, they tried to run to the next set of trees. Alas, a random branch on the ground didn't make this act secret. The fox stepped on the stick, unfortunately snapping under their weight.

"Shit!" The fox muttered, paying more attention to the ground. To be fair, they were never the most sly fox of the pack, but she was never the most outgoing either. The fox made it to the next grouping of trees right as the prince turned.

"Hello? Who's there! I'm not afraid of you!" They spoke, picking up a stick from the ground and a handful of dirt off the path. The fox however, remained silent. She was used to being in this situation due to her incompetent older brother.

The prince remained alert while continuing walking, thankfully giving up on figuring out who made the noise. The fox let out a breath they didn't realize was being held. "Thank god..." they muttered again. Something to know about this particular fox was that she never was too loud, that risked compromising her position at all times.

The prince continued their journey, eventually spotting a few hills covered in flowers or different varieties. The only trees they saw were along the edges of the area, which annoyed the fox. No trees meant no spying, and also meant no chance on getting to know their whereabouts and knowing info about them.

"Oh my god, this is beautiful!" The prince exclaimed, stopping in their tracks. The fox couldn't disagree with them, but she had gotten used to the scenery. The prince began walking again, bending down every few feet to admire the flowers.

The fox glanced around, trying to find any grove of trees they could hide behind. They finally spotted one right in the center of the hills, it would do nicely. They found a convenient stone at their feet, or rather boots, and tossed it to distract the prince.

The prince scurried to their feet to fight again. They heard a rustling that seemed to be coming to their left, a clearing. They cautiously strolled in that direction, stick in hand like it were a baseball bat. Meanwhile, the fox was using their graceful ability to quickly sneak to the grove of trees in the middle. They got there right as the prince had reached the clearing, which was also conveniently onto a few feet away from the trees. A perfect spot to spy on their prey.

Only now did the fox get a good view of the prince's face, as it was scribbled out in the poster. It was surprisingly good looking, with dark eyes and a few faint freckles that lined their cheeks and nose. The fox's light eyes widened, they had never seen anyone this pretty out here before, especially one that was wanted. Most of their bounties were hardened criminals that looked like they had just came out of a dumpster fire.

The prince looked through the clearing, it needed some terraforming, sure, but it would be a fantastic place to build their castle. The prince turned to leave and gather the supplies needed to create their structure, but noticed a small sliver of light coming from the trees nearby.

The fox's phone turned on randomly at the worst times, such as this one. While it didn't make any sound, it created the perfect amount of light to make anyone suspicious of the area. The fox scrambled to turn off the device, and had already noticed the prince looking in their direction due to the distraction.

The prince saw the light disappear as quick as it came to, and walked away to find the nearest cave for supplies. The fox usually never made this many mistakes, but was glad the human was dumb enough to not notice them.

The fox watched as the prince disappeared into the mass amounts of hills, so she made her move. They scrambled out of the trees, and raced towards the water's shore. They saw an island right in the middle of the water, which was sure to make a nice base to spy on the prince nearby. Not wanting to get wet, the fox used her ice magic to create a short term bridge for her to get across with. Once the fox got to the island, they forced the ice to melt into the other body of water below.

She admired the mediocre mountain that stood before them. The fox sighed, then began the climb to the top. There weren't any ladders or stairs yet of course, so they had to use their fox instincts to get to the tip. It didn't take much to reach the top, where she found a few trees, it would be enough to create some stairs and ladders so she didn't have to make the climb every time.

The fox punched the trees down, gaining the wood from them along with some leaves to decorate their soon to be burrow. She created the stairs and ladders with ease, all her father's doing since he worked with wood as his main media, so she was exposed to it as well. The fox placed them where she wanted them to go, then finally began her descent into the mountain. They created a small bunker of a burrow, with a couch right next to the bed for leisure. Other than the resting area, there wasn't much to the house other than a few chests and crafting table, but they never needed much. They had tons of cooked rabbit in their bag, and once they ran out, they knew how to hunt. Hell, they've been doing it their whole life.

They went back up to the top of the mountain to see that it was growing dark outside. Looking to her right, the fox saw a humble, makeshift castle that they scoffed at. They could build one so much better than that, even with not as many materials!

The fox spotted the prince at the top of the castle, sitting on their bed, looking like they're speaking to someone who wasn't even there. The fox tuned their acute ears in and finally listened.

"Hey, moon! Glad I can finally talk to you with some sense of peace! Today's been incredibly busy, but look, I made my castle! I plan on adding some extra lamps and lights to the downstairs, but I'd say this is pretty good for my first day of a new life! Hell, I don't even remember my old home at this point, but that's the fun of this! I can create a whole new me, a new Prince Aimsey! Well, I outta get to bed now, I'm really tired and I need to add to my new house, wait, no, castle! I need to get used to this, haha, but I'll see you tomorrow, moon! Nos da!"

The prince finished their one-sided conversation, and the fox gained lots of information on them from it.

The fox scurried back into their burrow, shutting the trap doors and grabbing their notebook out of this bag. She wrote down all she knew about this new prince, which looked a little like this.

Day 1, Info on Prince Guy

-Name: seemingly Aimsey
-Nationality: I heard some Welsh in there, so maybe Wales? Plus there was a UK sort of accent
-Age: looks around my age, so probably 20-23
-Height: oh my god, they're so short wtf
-Weight: god if I know, but they seem petite so probably not much (115 lbs maybe?)
-Clothes: blue suit and crown
-Background: they called themself a prince, so part of monarchy? But yeah, definitely human, I saw the ears
Other: not sure yet

The fox put down their journal and laid on the bed, taking off their jacket and shoes in the process. A white t-shirt and black leggings were worn underneath. The fox silently laid in their bed, drifting off to sleep.



I hope you all enjoyed this style and the first chapter <3 (please give me feedback lol)

I also hope you all have a great day/night <3


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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