Into hiding

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I was running around screaming like I was some kind of maniac, everybody looked at me like I was insane...they all probably thought I had lost all of my senses (and I guess they had a point, if you saw that THING before your very eyes, you'd freak out too)

"Golfball?" I could hear a familiar voice behind me say my name. I knew right away it was my best friend Tennisball, we've been close for so long now, it's crazy. We've had all of our own ups and downs over the years, but we're still here together, a duo. "You're acting like you've gone insane..."

"OH! I'm perfectly fiiine...Just, please move The other Are You okay'ers down into my factory...It's a massive emergency"

"What do you mean emergency? What's going on? Golfy?"


I continue to run around screaming...What else was I supposed to do? After hours of doing it -So i DIDNT blow out my vocal chords- I decided to just grab a bunch of extra bags of supplies we'd need to store for emergencies. And once done with that, I was walking around, mainly randomly handing them out to my fellow competitors (although I did end up keeping most of them).

I count ones to walk around, until I got near the hotel and looked up...Pin was still in that room...smashing her body against the window to break was only a matter of time before it cracked and she'd escape...


I didn't even know if they'd litsen to me matter how much I yelled, only a few others actually went...There was no other option...

I'm so...I'm so sorry...

I dashed down to my other thoughts... just running as fast as I could... I didn't even bother looking back...I JUST RAN...

Eventually I dashed down the stairwell and clicked the emergency button... I could hear faint screams outside...

I'm so sorry... I'm very, very, sorry... This was my fault...


353 words, Not as many as the last one, but still. Tbh I just wanted to finish this chapter nice and easily because I wanted to at least have two chapters ready before publishing the story, but still! I plan on working on this story and trying to be a bit more active, but there is a chance updates might be a tad bit slow. But anyways, I hope you're enjoying it so far! I'll try to make the next update as soon as possible, but I am currently wrapping up state testing this week so that might take a bit.
Anyways, see you when I do!! :D
It's 2:36 at night, kill me now


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