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We all made our way back to Tara's apartment after all the fighting had stopped "Hey Tara do you mind if I crash here tonight, it'll take me a while to get home if I leave now?" I ask getting up from one of the sofas "Yeah it's fine y/n you don't have to ask you've practically already got your room here" "Thank you I'll just go get changed, Nobody come in!" I yelled before rushing to the spare room, shutting the door behind me.

I get my pajamas on before putting my phone on charge and message my mum, letting her know I'm staying over.

"Hey y/n" I heard Ethans say as he walked in and sat on the bed "I literally told people not to come in" "shit I'm sorry I just wanted to talk to you about the party," he says scratching his neck "what about the party?" I ask standing up to grab my hairbrush "You know about how we almost kissed" he says standing up stepping closer to me "You said we would finish it later after we got interrupted if I remember correctly"

"Yeah I did but I was and still am a little drunk," I told him swallowing thickly, he started walking closer to me "You seem a bit nervous sweetheart, what's the matter" he said backing me up to the wall.

"Hey, y/n, do you think I could borrow your shoes? I wanna see if Mindy likes them so I can buy them" Anika asks, barging into the room, causing Ethan to back away. "Yeah, sure," I say, rummaging through the drawers next to my bed and pulling the shoes out from the bottom drawer. "Hey! Ethan, stop staring!" I hear Anika shout from behind me, I stand up straighter and turn to give Anika the shoes when I see Ethan quickly turn his head, trying to not make it obvious he was staring at my ass.

"Here you go Anika you can have them if you want I don't really like heels too much" I say handing her the shoes "Thanks babes," she says before putting them on and running off into the kitchen where Mindy is "Hey baby don't I look amazing," she says before hopping onto the counter "As always babe," Mindy says sitting on the counter next to her

I walk back into my bedroom to see Ethan sitting on the floor looking at my DVD collection "All slashers huh" he says grabbing one "Yeah they're kinda my favourite genre" I tell him grabbing the one out his hand "Ah 'Us' uncommon film to love but it's my favourite" "cool I loved that film too but my all-time favourite has got to be The Curse Of Chucky" he says pulling the DVD from the cabinet "I love that one maybe we could watch it together someday" I reply kissing his cheek

"Y/n, Ethan, get out here now!" Mindy shouts before we place the DVDs back and walk back into the living room seeing Sam with the cute guy from the building next to us."What's going on?" I ask, sitting on the arm of the armchair that Ethan sat on."Look!" Mindy said, pointing to the TV

On TV:

I'm standing in front of the apartment where the mutilated bodies of two students were discovered. Their names have just been released by police: Jason Carvey and Greg Bruckner.

Also found at the scene were various Ghostface costumes, a character popularized by the Stab movie franchise.

"Holy shit aren't they the guys from our film studies class?" I ask as Chad kicks out the new boy Sam brought in. "Goodbye suspicious new guy, I think we can handle it from here,"

"Tara, go pack your bags. we leave in ten," Sam says, grabbing the biggest knife from its holder.

"Hold on, wait a minute, don't you think you're exaggerating it could have nothing to do with us," Tara yells, going after her

"Nothing to do with us! Tara, you knew them. "


"Chad, Mindy, y/n back me up here,"

"I mean—" "It does seem a bit—"

"…close to home," we all said as Tara gave us all a death glare

"Just wait a minute before you throw my whole college life out of the window," Tara said as Sam instructed their roommate Quinn to call her dad, seeing as he's a police officer

Sam was about to grab her phone when it started ringing, causing us all to panic. "Who is it?" Tara asks as Sam turns her phone around to reveal my mother. "It was Gale," she said, declining it

"Why did everyone freak out when the phone rang," Ethan asks looking at us confused I mean you can't blame him he is new to the whole situation "Dude you've gotta keep up," Anika says tapping her knee "It's fine sweetie you're still new to this" I whisper to him kissing his neck a bit, causing him to blush

"Sam, my dad wants to talk to you," Quinn says, passing her the phone

"Ok I'll be there soon," Sam says before she hangs up "I need to go to the police station I'll be back soon hopefully," she says leaving the room with Tara following her "Great! She said she'll be back soon. That's exactly how you die in a horror movie," I say, causing Ethan to laugh

"Well, enough of that, I'm gonna hit the hay goodnight, everyone," I say, ruffling Ethan's hair before rushing to my room.

Ethans pov

I watch as y/n goes to her room then make my way into the kitchen to get a drink of water when Chad comes in and wraps his arm around my shoulder squeezing it "Dude just ask her out already it's clear she likes you" he says before taking the drink out of my hand as I was about to take a sip "dude she doesn't like me, she just likes to tease me" I tell him making myself a new drink.

"Cmon man you must be blind if you can't tell she fancies you it's obvious," Chad says taking a seat at the table "Fine If I ask her out, will you ask Tara out because it's clear you like each other too"

"Ok, deal!"

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