episode 4 aftermath

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(EPISODE 5 COMES OUT THIS WEEK RAHHH. anyway. this has spoilers for the episode 4 elimination. also this has healthy yulett because they're my babies)

fiore: alright who's the lucky boot today..

alec: miriam

fiore: HA

jake: WHAT

grett: you heard him jake, it was miriam

jake: why would y'all vote out miriam :(

aiden: I would ask you the same thing about james, but I'm not going to

yul: lmao karma

james: yul you cannot be talking you got INSTANT karma on our season


james: hiii baby <3

yul: ew..

lake: yul you can not be talking

yul: what's that supposed to mean?

lake: nothing :)

jake: she was literally the most useful on the yellow team? she won last time??

aiden: so did james..

tom: yeah jake..

grett: tom why tf are you mad..

tom: why do you care 💀

fiore: be fr tom.. you have no right to be mad at jake, you would do the same thing..

jake: for once, I agree with the demon child

fiore: HEY..

yul: im still wondering who the hell voted for me

lake: lmao

yul: stfu baldie..

grett: .

yul: GRETT?!

grett: what'd I do??

yul: vote for me


yul: sure..

grett: darling yk i would never vote for you

yul: fine. <3

alec: will you two stop being lovey dovey in the group chat 💀

grett: alec you're just mad..

fiore: damn

ellie: that's wild 💀

alec: fuck you grett..

**Alec has gone offline

grett: we weren't even being "lovey dovey" anyway..

fiore: erm.. yeah you were..

grett: I was just saying i would never vote for yul??

fiore: yall are so weird sometimes..

ashley: alright what's up now

hunter: they're mad over miriam getting voted off

fiore: actually, JAKE is mad about miriam getting voted off..

hunter: no one asked you fiore

ally: HUNTER !

hunter: WHAT

ally: I told you to stop treating her like that..

hunter: no.

ally: excuse me?

hunter: I said no.

trevor: alright alright. stop arguing

derek: nah trevor let 'em argue.. it's entertaining

kristal: how do y'all have your phones anyway?

oliver: uh

kristal: OLIVER..?

oliver: my bad :(

kristal: ok fine, 5 more minutes then turn them in to emily, derek, or trevor, depending on which team you're on. excluding eliminated people

(this was based off of the old version that I deleted so I can rewrite it. but yeah. I'll do an episode 5 one after it comes out! any requests for the next chapters would be cool :3!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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