Episode 9: Barbatos and the Holy Lyre der Himmel Part 1

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While the trio were back in their hotel room they were waiting until Rainbow rushed in

"What's going on girls? I got a letter saying you needed me!" Rainbow said

"We didn't---" Lumine started before turning to Twilight "Did you send her a letter?" Lumine asked

"Yes, and for a good idea" Twilight said

"Is there something I'm missing right now?" Rainbow asked

"No, well, there is something you missed and it is a little weird and terrible" Twilight explained

"Did you get under attack again?! Did somebody get hurt?!" Rainbow asked

"No! Nobody did! But we do need help with something you won't like" Twilight said

"Oh... Just tell me what it is" Rainbow suggested

"We're about to break in the Cathedral to get the Holy Lyre der Himmel for Barbatos" Twilight explained

"No, just no! I won't let it happen! And besides gods stay in the clouds! They never come here!" Rainbow reminded

"But---" Twilight started

"Let me guess, it's that green guy you saw before?" Rainbow asked

"Yeah, I didn't want to do it but Lumine and Paimon wanted to so that's why I joined in" Twilight said

"And you didn't give them your thoughts about it?!" Rainbow asked

"I tried to but all they thought about was I'm gonna help this 'god'" Twilight explained

Rainbow then sighed in disbelief

"I would have to tell the Knights of Favonius about the trouble you're in but since you're sure this is a god with good reasons I'll allow it" Rainbow said

"Thanks Rainbow" Twilight said

"No worries but if something goes wrong, you're to blame!" Rainbow said angrily

"That's why I wanted you to guard the outside of the cathedral" Twilight explained

"But are you  sure you won't get caught?" Rainbow asked

"I won't, I promise, now it's almost time so we should go" Twilight said

"Alright then, let's giddy up!" Rainbow said

The two then met back up with Paimon and Lumine as the four rushed to the Cathedral where they met with Venti

"Alright, we'll be going, Rainbow, you'll keep watch" Venti suggested

"Aye, aye captain!" Rainbow called out

"Alright then, let's get going" Twilight said

Afterwards the duo went through the spinning door to the basement and when they arrived below they got to the other side

"Okay, let's be sneaky, no one make any sound" Lumine suggested

The group then nodded before they sneaked their way over to the other side of the room and when they arrived at the other side they reached the Holy Lyre but when they were about to grab it somebody rushed by causing the four to gasp in shock

"Who're you?!" Paimon asked

"You got some nerve for sneaking in to steal the Holy Lyre without a reason!" Twilight reminded

"No, it is you who does" The person said

After saying that Twilight gasped in shock before she blushed in nervousness

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