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You woke up quite early than expected, but didnt mind

you stood up, looking around
"Huh" you realized you had fell asleep
outside, you sighed before standing up

you looked at your side your dogs seemingly still asleep

you walked around to try and find someone else who is awake other than you

which you surprisingly did, you found sanemi preparing breakfast

He looked like a housewife with that apron his wearing

you chuckled at the sight

"Are you just gonna stand there.and laugh at me? Or are you gonna eat before u throw the food at you"

You were taken aback, you didnt know how long you stood there for him to finally notice you

you smiled and sat down, taking a bite of the food

"Thank you for the food.." You quietly thanked him

he didnt respond but instead nodded

"Just because That pink-haired bitch trusts you doesn't mean i do, you and your siblings are lucky we didnt throw you out already" Sanemi spoke venom lacing in his voice

you understood why he doesn't trust you so easily, you were practically a stranger to him, to all of them except mitsuri

You only listened to his words silently
Before watching him walk away

you sighed before you continued on eating


Everyone was finally awake

misturi just FINISHED eating
she walked towards you before taking your hand

The others stayed behind and let mitsuri drag u to the patient

"Come! I'll show you why we needed your help"
She happily said while dragging you along


You both stopped
you looked at the old door infront of you

Mitsuri opened the door before walking in with you trailing behind her

you were quite nervous

"Rengoku-san we finally found someone who could help you!"
Mitsuri exclaimed happily

Rengoku? Such a familiar name..
You thought

"Really? Thank you kanroji.." A man's voice was heard, his voice was raspy and quiet

You peeked from behind her to look at the person
your eyes widen at the sight

His eyes had a huge gash
and his stomach looked like someone punched a hole into him

"Renren?" You said quietly, which made both of them turn to you confused

"N/n?" rengoku said surprised

Tears pricked up your eyes as you gently hugged him

"Renren! I- i thought you died! You we'rent answering my calls nor texts!"
You were relieved to find him safe

"Oh my goodness what happened to you?! You look like someone shitted on you!" You said making him chuckle at your comment

you didnt change at all, still the same N/n he knew

he was glad..

"Gah! What am i doing im supposed to Fix you up!"  You stood up
trying to find a medical kit

"N/n calm down im fine.."

"Fine?! Renren Look at yourself!?"

Mitsuri watched you two bicker, she was surprised you knew him but she was happy that the one who would help rengoku was someone he was comfortable with

she smiled before leaving you two

You Grabbed the med kit before crouching next to him and starting to fix his Injuries

Rengoku looked at you for a few seconds before presenting a small smile in his face, he was very glad to know u were ok and safe.

In the past
he told himself he would be the one to aid you when you were injured

but it seems that its the other way around

"Thank you N/n"


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