❤️ 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄 ???

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HELLO ,my sweethearts ❤️ My exams are still going on idk but I don't wanna study who created maths bro I am stressed up about formulas 😐🙄

So let's start from where we left !!!

Doctor: who is from her family??
Jungkook: Me
Doctor: come with me in my cabin
Jungkook went with him in his cabin

Doctor sat on his chair and signalled jungkook to take a seat .. jungkook also sat

Doctor: So is she having any trouble in her life ?? I mean she is suffering from trauma Mr.
Jungkook: What kind of trauma doctor??
Doctor: Her past traumas our neurologist said that she worries a lot and is in stress ..she is kind of fed up from her life
Jungkook: Umm ok doctor so what are the ways to keep her safe from these traumas
Doctor: Listen make her feel happy and never ever let her remember anything about those traumas never let her worry about anything don't leave her alone that's it and give her medicines on time
Jungkook: Ok doctor

He went out of the cabin

He then went in y/n's room

Jungkook sat next to her holding her hand

Y/n : I..I am not at fault ..d..dad i..I also wants to be a..a b..b.best daughter
She cried in her dream and suddenly woke up and without even opening her eyes she started crying while saying
Y/n : I also deserve love I am not that bad jungkook knows it..I am not a useless daughter I am a great person jungkook knows it I hate my parents

She started to cry hard while opening her eyes slowly she saw jungkook and hugged him

Y/n : Jungkook I am tired of my family I don't want them in my life I don't want to hear their matters
Jungkook: yes yes I will fulfill your every wish princess they won't be able to even contact you till then eat something

( Guys don't think hating your parents aren't nice etc etc it's just a fanfiction)

Y/n nodded

The nurse came with the food jungkook was going to feed her from his hands

Y/n turned her head other side
Jungkook: What happened cutie ??
Y/n : Do you know about my family member's fight
Jungkook: Tell me about it later for now don't think about your parents
Y/n : Okayy

Then he fed her while cracking some jokes

She was laughing then jungkook gave the food to nurse then suddenly while smiling she started crying in happiness

Y/n : I am thinking kookie what have I done to get such a caring person in my life ?? What have I done huh
Jungkook: Why are you crying sweetheart
He wiped her tears
Y/n smiled ☺️

Jungkook : Ok now rest sleep please
Y/n : Ok stay with me
Jungkook: hmm
Gave a peck on her forehead and after making her sleep he was going outside then y/n hold his wrist he smiled and kissed her hand and went outside

Outside her room

Jungkook: Jimin who called y/n before that incident?? Did you got to know about it
Jimin : Yes jungkook it was a girl named sakshi before that in midnight y/n's sister called her but it was a really small conversation
Jungkook: hmm ok thanks shortie
Jimin : yaah......

Jungkook called sakshi

Jungkook: Hm so sakshi !!! What happened what did you told to y/n??
Sakshi : I told her about her family matters
Jungkook: Listen never ever tell her any matter regarding her family bcs ............( He told her everything) Now tell me what was the thing you were telling her
Sakshi : Actually......( She also told him everything)
Jungkook: Why they are worrying about her after breaking her heart..
Sakshi: exactly Mr.jeon
Jungkook: listen do you know about
y/n's past incidents ??which are traumatic
Sakshi : yes , I know some
Jungkook: what is it ??
Sakshi : in 9th she got very bad marks in maths her family scolded her very badly they started taunting her they were shouting at her and her father called her a mistake and said she can't even be a topper , her mom always blamed her for everything,soon she somehow came in college her mom started taunting her more but she still controlled her suicidal thoughts, her father's sister always says that she is a slut and her mother even said that she wished y/n was never born and she will be unloved till her death and last night when they were fighting her mom said that She don't want to see
Y/n's face no one can love that girl.. not even me she is of no use

"𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙰 𝙼𝙴𝚁𝙰 𝙷𝙰𝙸 𝙿𝚈𝙰𝙰𝚁 𝙰𝙼𝙰𝚁 " ❤️| jungkook Indian Ff | MafiaWhere stories live. Discover now