Dear Tree...

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Heyyyy I've been on a break bc life sucks. Here's tren pt 2 , maybe I'll write angst, who knows.

Yo guess who the art above is byyyyy @BriannaLee502

        Dear Tree, do you remember the letter that was sent by you? I mean, at least I think it was. I just wanted to say, that I've been very insensitive about the whole Death P.A.C.T. situation. I've been given advice from a couple, and I think that I would like to start over. If you want to too, do you mind meeting me at 11:00pm on the hill? The biggest one, with no trees? Y'know, so that I don't mistake which one is you.

        From, 🅱️en.

        <Well, that's unexpected of Pen. He even signed it with his given name. This must be more important than just a do-over. What else would it even be? A confession? Nah. He probably likes match or something.> I thought about it for a while, when I decided, that I was going to that hill. I also came to a conclusion that Pen would probably not know my answer until 11:00, because I would not be sending a letter back. <Just act like you didn't see anything, and go hang out with your team. That is your objective today.>

        I walked out of the lounge, and went to find Blackhole, making sure not to step too close to him.

        "Hey BH."
        "Hello Tree. How are you today?"
        "Good, thank you. Except, I have to talk to you about something."
        "What is it?"
        "It's about Pen." I told Blackhole about the letter, and asked him if I should go. Yes, I'm having second thoughts. Maybe a redo for Pen, means forgetting everything and leaving everything behind. It could also mean that Pen would check up on Death P.A.C.T. consistently.
        "I think you should go."
        "Yeah, if it turns out that Pen really wants things to be ok and be friends with us again, I don't think you would regret going."
        "Alright, I grúas I'll go, thanks BH. I'd give you a hug, but that wouldn't be very life-friendly of me."
        "No problem. Anyways, I've got a little errand right now, so I guess I'll see you later. Bye Tree!"
        "Goodbye Blackhole."
        So yeah. I guess I was going. I still don't have a good feeling about the meet up though. I mean, signing a letter with your given name instead of the name that everyone knows you as, should be a warning, right? That doesn't matter. I'm going to go, as Blackhole instructed, and fix a relationship.

Pen's P.O.V.

        It's 11:00pm. Is Tree coming? I hope so. We didn't even interact once today, despite the letter. Did he even get the letter? Did he see it and trash it? Did he not check the mailbox? Does he even care about it? Will he-

        "Pen, relax. I can see how tense you are."
        "Ah, yes. Of course." <Thinking back on it, I haven't heard that Australian accent in a while. I kind of, I guess, missed hearing it? Unconsciously though. Should someone's voice even be allowed to sound this mesmerizing? Damn, I'm really gay, well, bi, aren't I?>
        "Pen? Pen, are you okay?"
        "Wha- uh yeah... sorry about that! Heh." <DANGIT! The voice got me again...>
        "Umm so, I just wanted to say, that I'm sorry for my ignorance, and my insensitivity, because I think I also kind of missed you but never noticed it during the separation period. I guess I got too carried away with my time with Eraser."
        "Apology accepted. I'm guessing that the whole problem is now solved? Yes?"
        "Yep." <I know at some point I have to stop gushing over his voice, but god damn does it sound hot. I honestly don't trust myself with this feeling of attraction. I'm probably going to get exposed for my carelessness.>

Tree's P.O.V.

        "My voice... Is hot?" <This has got to be a prank. He is friends with Blocky, after all. But maybe, just maybe this isn't a prank. Woah Tree. Are you hoping it's not a prank? That's new. I didn't know I was a simp.> ( A/N - simp)

        "Oh shit... did I say that out loud? God dang it. I'm a goner aren't I?"
        "Hey Pen, can you say that again?" <SHUT UP TREE. Why can't I ever keep my big mouth shut?>

        "Huh- oh. Your voice is hot."
        "Your voice is hot."
        "Your voice is hot."
        "Your voice is hot." Our hand slowly intertwine, my face faced away from Pen in an attempt to hide my flustered face.

        "That's cute. I can see a dark shade of green on your face, and it's clearly not sickness. What else could it be?"
        "Shut up Pen."
        "Haha, alright, alright." <Hmm. I haven't heard that chuckle in a while. I can say it's pretty... heart warming.>

        "As a decent man, I will ask for your consent before I take on this action."
        "What is it?"
        "Can I kiss you, Tree?"
        "No, of course not..."
        "Yeah... okay." I suddenly feel warmth rise up from inside, as Pen presses his lips onto mine. It's just a simple peck, nothing more, but I feel myself start to heat up and get fidgety.

        "Mmm... Dulce."
        "...What? Since when did you start speaking Spanish? What did you even say?"
        "I will answer both questions with an 'I don't know."
        "You cheeky little writing utensil." Pen laughed. OH MY GOD. WILL I EVER STOP BEING A PANICKING GAY? *sigh* It seems not. And with that last thought, my world became black,

Pen's P.O.V.

         and mine became the same monotone color.
946 words
UGHHHHHHHHHH that was so bad. Sorry, I haven't been uploading since months ago, and sorry for this chapter's quality as I have finished this chapter at 1:00 something am, I will probably upload constantly from now on, (I hope) and I will see you in WoodBlock. or GatyTwo. Who knows. (Yes, Tren has come to a wrap for now, sadly.)

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