ANSWER ˙ . ꒷ 🍰 . 𖦹˙-

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Danielle was sat in the passenger seat of the car, next to her husband Alex and heading back home. She wasn't excited to see her joke of a daughter, Melanie, or that 'retarted' one Ellie who she wished had never been born. At least Melanie did things, like cheerleading and track at times but alls the little one did was scream whenever a noise was made or be quiet for the rest of the time. She hated this family, and her husband too. Speaking of, she heard a voice come from the seat next to her.

'Darling, would you like to stop at a rest stop just up there before we get back home? I know you don't want to come back so-' The poor man was cut off by Danielle, who pulled out a cigarette and rolled down the window as she lit it and took a long drag, inhaling the smoke and breathing it out from her nose and mouth, giving her husband a cold stare as she did. 'No, if i'm going back i might as well do it quickly, and why would i want to spend any more time with your pathetic ass, hm? Just drive, Alex.'

She watched her husband sigh, continuing to drive at a steady pace back to their town, visibly a little upset at her comment. How pathetic. She thought as she took another drag from her cigarette, then watched as her husband went to go and speak, 'Sorry love, as you wish.' Danielle nodded. She just wanted to leave this vile family already.


Melanie, Ellie and Rosie were all sat on the couch, watching Hello Kitty. They were planning on going out today, but it had been two weeks since Rosie and Melanie had labelled themselves as girlfriend, and today was the day her parents came back home, which nor her or Ellie were very excited for, not because of their father but their mother. She was such a bitch and she treated Ellie as if she was some stupid kid she didn't even know, which very much angered Melanie more than ever, she just wished she'd get out of her life already.

Melanie had noticed how used Ellie had gotten to Rosie in the span of these two weeks, which was unusual as it took a lot more longer for Ellie to get comfortable around other people that weren't Melanie or...Well, Melanie. Ellie was sat with her head resting on Rosie's arm, her eyes drawn to the tv while Melanie sat on the other side of Rosie, her head resting on her shoulder.

She saw Rosie's head turn, a small smile plastered across her face as she went to go and speak to her, 'So your parents coming home today right? Are they nice?' Rosie asked, that same smile still on her face. Melanie sighed, thinking about how she'd answer this one, 'My dad's sweet, it's my mom you've gotta worry about. Just don't let her comments get to your head, alright sweetie?' Melanie spoke, in which Rosie gave her a little kiss on the lips before turning her head to face the tv once again.

Ellie looked at her sister and Rosie, tugging on the sleeve of Rosie's shirt a little bit to get her attention, 'Are you and my sister gonna get marrieddddd?' Ellie asked, a genuine look on her face. Both Rosie and Melanie chuckled at eachother, then Rosie replied, 'I dunno, maybe one day?' Ellie nodded and turned back to watching tv, jumping slightly at the sound of the door slamming shut.

Melanie sighed, knowing exactly who had just came bursting through the door due to the smell of cigarettes and the noise of high heels that were clacking through the house. It was none other, than her mother. She came into the room, with that stern look she always had on her cold, cold face, her eyes immediately landing onto Melanie.


Rosetta was pretty scared to meet Melanie's mother, mainly because of the warning she had been given off of her girlfriend. Once she stepped into the room she could tell what type of woman she was. Cold stern, smelt of cigarettes, had her husband bringing in the bags for the two. '𝖩𝖾𝗌𝗎𝗌.' She thought to herself. The horrible words that came out of Melanie's mom's mouth shocked her to her very core.

'Oh, i thought i wouldn't have to see the two of your horrid faces just yet. Fucking christ Melanie, why are you bringing random leopold into my living room? I don't want you *or* the retard here right now but to bring extra's? You're pushing your luck. Get in your room now before i ground you for a month, and i won't let you go to your graduation either.'

Rosetta's eyes widened, gasping to herself at that horrible remark as the three left to Melanie's room, sitting down on her bed. Rosie thought for a minute, on how she could help Melanie and Ellie with this. She knew it wasn't her problem and had should probably back off this whole situation, but she honestly felt so bad for the two of them and she couldn't just let her girlfriend and her sister live like this, right?

She couldn't think of an idea on how she could help the two, until one thing popped into her mind. Rosetta knew her and Melanie had only been dating for 2 weeks and it would be pretty sudden, but if it would get the two girls out of this horrible living situation then she was willing to offer it to them. Her parents were getting her a house for graduation as her family was very very rich (her parents have very good jobs), and it had a spare room, which could accommodate Ellie maybe. Yeah, Rosie was going to ask her, 'Hey...I don't think you should be living in a house with such horrible mother, and nor should ellie. Do you wanna maybe, come live with me..? And Ellie obviously, it's not like at my house house, like, my parents are getting one and i was wondering if you'd be comfortable living there, with me?' Rosie asked, her Italian accent coming out a lot more as she was a little bit nervous to the reply.

Melanie visibly blushed at Rosie's stronger Italian accent, which she found adorable. Rosetta watched Melanie think for a second, then looked up at her with a small smile on her face, 'Mm, yeah, i think that would be great!' Melanie laughed a little, and Ellie nodded back. 'Let me go ask my Mom real quick.' Melanie spoke, and quickly vanished down the stairs to ask. A few minutes later she came back in, the biggest smile on her face. 'She said yes!!' And the two girls hugged each other tightly, Ellie joining in too. Rosetta was so happy to be moving in with the two.

word count :: 1166


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