The Burden of Legacy: How I Fear Failing my Historical Protagonist's Story

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Dear Diary,

I am feeling the weight of the responsibility on my shoulders, the daunting task of portraying a historical protagonist realistically. As a writer, I must bring these figures to life, to accurately portray their thoughts, actions, and emotions. But I fear that I may fail in doing so.

I have researched extensively and delved into every aspect of my protagonist's life and the era in which he lived. Yet, I cannot shake off the uncertainty that plagues me. Will I be able to accurately capture his voice, his essence? Will I do justice to his legacy?

As I immerse myself in his world, I realize how little I know about him. Of course, there are countless historical records and accounts, but they are all written by others, by those who may have had their own biases and agendas. How can I truly understand my protagonist without being able to speak to him, pick his brain and hear his version of events?

I am also aware of the pressure to romanticize and glorify my protagonist. After all, he is a revered historical figure, and his actions have been revered and celebrated for centuries. It is all too easy to fall into the trap of idealizing him and ignoring his flaws and shortcomings.

But that is not my intention. I want to present a well-rounded, multidimensional character, someone who is both admirable and flawed, just like any human being. I want to show his struggles, his doubts, his fears. But I am afraid that in doing so, I may disappoint those who see him as a heroic figure. Will they be able to accept my interpretation of him?

There is also the fear of inaccuracies and anachronisms. Despite my efforts to be as accurate as possible, there will inevitably be some discrepancies. As a writer, I am acutely aware of the impact of my words and how they can shape perceptions. Will I inadvertently misrepresent my protagonist and his story?

I know that fears and doubts are a natural part of the creative process, but with this particular project, they weigh heavily on me. My desire to do justice to my protagonist is what drives me, but it is also what terrifies me. I can only hope that my research and dedication will be enough to portray him realistically, to bring him to life in a way that honours his true self.

Only time will tell if I have succeeded or failed, but I vow to give it my all. My protagonist deserves nothing less.


Amelia Jackson

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