Blood on Baker Street: An Alphabetically Obsessed Serial Killer on the Loose

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A: Asphyxiation - The killer strangles his victims with a rope or scarf.

B: Bludgeoning - The killer uses a blunt object, such as a hammer or bat, to bludgeon his victims to death.

C: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - The killer lures his victims into a closed room and pumps in deadly gas, causing them to suffocate.

D: Drowning - The killer drowns his victims in a bathtub, river, or lake.

E: Electrocution - The killer rigs a household appliance, such as a toaster or iron, to electrocute his victims.

F: Fire - The killer sets his victims' houses on fire, trapping and burning them alive.

G: Garrotting - The killer uses a metal wire to strangle his victims, cutting off their air supply.

H: Hanging - The killer hangs his victims from a noose, mimicking a suicide.

I: Impalement - The killer impales his victims with a sharp object, such as a sword or spear.

J: Jack the Ripper Style - The killer targets and mutilates female prostitutes, just like the infamous Jack the Ripper.

K: Knifing - The killer uses a knife to stab his victims multiple times.

L: Lacing - The killer laces his victims' food or drinks with poison, causing them to suffer a slow and painful death.

M: Mutilation - The killer dismembers his victims' bodies, often leaving body parts in public places as a gruesome display.

N: Neck Breaking - The killer breaks his victims' necks with a swift, brutal twist.

O: Overdose - The killer administers a deadly dose of drugs to his victims.

P: Poisoning - The killer uses various types of poison, such as arsenic or cyanide, to kill his victims.

Q: Quicksand - The killer lures his victims into quicksand or a sinking pit, where they suffocate to death.

R: Razorblades - The killer slashes his victims' throats with a straight razor.

S: Strangulation - The killer uses his bare hands to strangle his victims.

T: Throat Slitting - The killer uses a blade to slit his victims' throats, causing them to bleed out.

U: Underground - The killer buries his victims alive, leaving them to die from lack of oxygen.

V: Voodoo - The killer uses voodoo dolls to inflict pain and suffering on his victims until they die.

W: Water Torture - The killer ties his victims up and slowly pours water over their faces, causing them to drown.

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