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"Are those lion cubs" the redhead squealed, startling the baby creatures. "They're so cuteeeeee" she cooed at them. "Yes they are but their mother or father probably isn't so could you please for the sake of my ear drums and both our lives stop making so much noise." The twenty-something year old man getting fed up with the woman's antics by the minute.

They'd been walking for three days straight without rest and this was the same reaction she gave to any baby animal they came across which nearly ended their lives as they were chased by a jaguar. Poor guy barely escaped with his life while she seemed to have the time of her life.

"Don't worry,these have no parents." A deep voice said. The two turned and we're met with the sight of trees scattered across the place.
"Who said that?" Changing to a defensive stance, the ebony haired man asked. His wary eyes scanned the place and still saw nothing. Something zipped past them and disappeared again, further heightening the fear in the two.

"Show yourself" she ordered,fisting her palms by her side. The hairs on her neck stand,indicating the other presence behind her. Her arm swings out in action,ready to karate chop any creeps neck. She turns around when her hand doesn't come in contact with any body as she expects.

Her entire body goes rigid when her eyes land on the creature before her. His blue eyes looked like they held electrical charges in them. His hands were fitted nicely in the pocket of his white silk dress pants and his head was cocked to the side with small smirk dancing on his small lips. Her hand was at the base of his neck,only an inch away from his porcelain skin.

Everything about him screamed pure as his body reflected the sun's rays. From the very hair on his head to the skin on his bones,he looked like a more human,more hotter version of Jack Frost. She drew back her hand quickly,afraid of tainting his skin. Her skin complexion was a natural tan and at first glance, you'd know she was from the tropical areas. Her hair was obviously dyed as her original hair color was black.

A small chucke left the man's lips. "You're a feisty one." She could literally feel the vibration in his voice and it made her knees go jelly. " Who the hell are you?" The shaky woman was pulled back and was now facing the bulky back of her friend. "Well you don't sound nice." He said calmly. "Great cause I wasn't trying to be. Now answer my question."  His tone screamed back off but his expression was unknown to the shorter girl.

Now Elsie was fairly tall but Christian came from a family of  giants. While she was a fair 5'9, he towered over her at a good 6'7. "I'm  Mekhi." He held out his hand to him and the semi giant hated how his skin looked translucent in the sunlight. It irked him and he didn't even know why. "I'll take that as a compliment." Said the pale boy,his blue eyes buzzing with life. "Huh?"

"I believe you're Christian and the ball of fire behind you is Elsie. I've been keeping an eye on you two for some time and I must admit she's a tough one. You're a bit weak for your height tho" This guy was surely staying on the dark haired man's bad side.

Elsie peeled her hand out of his and marched to the front of the semi giant. Forcing her racing heart to calm down,she glares at the guy. "I'll have you know that this man here has been the reason I'm still very much alive. I'll not have you speak of him like this."

Another smirk makes it way to his beautiful lips, dragging along Elsie's eyes. "Sure cherry bomb." The name sends her heart into another overdrive but she makes no move to show it. "Anyways, now that we're through with the introductions I believe you guys are tired and would like to meet your friends again after your little adventure. I've decided you've had enough." The two stare at the guy.  One in something along the lines of anger and the other a mix of love and annoyance.

"So you're telling me you've been watching us this whole time and not once did you try to save us? Not even when we were nearly eaten alive by a motherfucking jaguar?!" Raged Chris.If looks could kill, the porcelain boy would be beyond six feet under. "Relax princess. You still got away didn't you?" "What did you just call me?" Elsie stood between the two,fed up. "Okay enough you two! Look here Chris,we could let ice boy over here take us back to Diana or stand here and continue this. I don't know about you but I'm tired and my feet feel like they're about to fall off." The taller huffs then breathes in. "Continue."

"Right. I can tell walking wouldn't be the right option right now so let me call my friends and we'll be off in a few." He whistles an unfamiliar yet catchy tune. After a few minutes two winged creatures fly in their direction. They settle beside him and he turns to them and pets them. Two pegasus stare at them. One almost friendly another as if to say stay the fuck away from myaster and I else imma kick you so hard you won't remember your name.

"So uh here's the situation. The white is Angel and the black is Micheal. Angel is,well,an angel. She relates well with everyone. Micheal on the other hand well... he's the exact opposite. The one who's able to tame him gets to ride him." He steps away from them and leaves them to the two.

Naturally, Chris never one for tough situation,goes to Angel and she gladly welcomes him. Elsie stares at the black winged horse,as if to say I dare you to move. Accepting the challenge,the creature moves back and flaps its wings cockily. She moves forward until she's eye to eye with it. She slowly raises her hands and it huffs, warning not to even try. Still maintaining eye contact with it she slowly moves her hand until she's only an inch away from his face. Looking into his eyes for permission she waits and after a minute he brings his nose to his face.

She smiles triumphantly and rubs her face on his face then moves to his back and hops on him. Mekhi stares at her in awe and she shrugs with a smirk on her face. "Aren't you coming with us?" "Naa, don't worry about me. Mezzayeh!" And the Two winged creatures take off.

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