In search of Rebecca: A father and son's quest for the justice

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As my spirit floated above the city of Florence, I could feel the desperation and despair that hung heavy in the air. The famine had taken its toll on the once-prosperous city, leaving its citizens with little hope and even less food. But amidst the chaos and suffering, there was one man who seemed to rise above it all.

His name was Lorenzo de' Medici, and he was a merchant unlike any other. He was tall and handsome, with a charming smile that could win over even the most sceptical of customers. But it wasn't just his looks that drew people to him, it was his connections. He had a special relationship with the powerful Pazzi family, and this gave him access to all sorts of goods and services that others could only dream of.

I watched as Lorenzo walked through the streets of Florence, his entourage of loyal followers trailing behind him. People would stop and stare, whispering amongst themselves about the mysterious merchant who seemed to have everything under his control. Not even the Great Plague, which had ravaged the city just a few years before, could touch him.

But as I followed Lorenzo on his nightly rounds, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Something was calculating and cold about him, something that didn't sit right with me. And then, I saw it. The bodies. The deceased, stuffed in their shrouds and coffins, lined the streets like a macabre parade.

I watched as Lorenzo continued, seemingly unaffected by the sight. But then, I saw him pause and turn down an alleyway, his followers dutifully following. Curiosity got the better of me, and I followed as well.

At the end of the alley, there was a small courtyard where a father and son were frantically searching through the piles of bodies. They were looking for their daughter and sister, Rebecca Collins, who had been executed earlier that day by hanging for a crime she didn't commit.

I watched as the father and son pulled back shroud after shroud, their desperation growing with each failed attempt. And then, Lorenzo appeared. He approached the grieving family with a strange look in his eye, and I knew that he had something to do with the girl's death.

Lorenzo offered to help the family find their daughter's body, and they eagerly accepted. But as they followed him back to the main street, I could see the glint of cruelty in his eyes. He led them to a small cart filled with bodies, and with a wicked smile, he pulled back the sheet to reveal Rebecca's lifeless form.

The father and son broke down in tears, and Lorenzo simply walked away, his followers trailing after him. As I watched him disappear into the night, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. This was not a man to be trusted, and I feared for the future of Florence under his influence.

But as my out-of-body experience came to an end, I knew that Lorenzo de' Medici would continue to rise in power, using his connections and manipulation to get whatever he wanted. And I could only hope that the citizens of Florence would see through his facade and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

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