The Wonders and Their new pet

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Cosmos and Alanah had been hunting together for months now. Cosmos, a seasoned hunter, had been in the game for a long time and had perfected her skills to become a master hunter. Alanah, on the other hand, was a rookie hunter, eager to learn and improve her skills.

The two women made an unlikely pair, but they had formed a strong bond during their time together. They had been travelling through a dense forest for two days now, following a deer they had been tracking. The forest was dark and creepy, but they were used to it. As hunters, they had spent many nights in the wilderness, sleeping under the stars.

But that night was different. The rain was pouring down heavily, soaking them to the bone. They needed to find a shelter to protect themselves from the storm. Cosmos and Alanah were both exhausted and hungry, but they refused to give up. They trudged through the forest, using their experience to navigate through the darkness.

After what felt like hours, they stumbled upon a strange cabin in the middle of the woods. It was old and worn out, but it seemed like the perfect place to take shelter for the night. They cautiously approached the cabin, unsure of what to expect. As they walked inside, they discovered a note on the table. The note was from the previous owners of the cabin, warning anyone who entered to stay away from the winged wolves that inhabited the forest.

Cosmos and Alanah were intrigued. They had heard stories about the winged wolves, but they had never encountered one. They were known to be dangerous and would attack anyone who crossed their territory. However, the hunters were not afraid. They were used to facing dangerous creatures in the wild.

As they settled in for the night, Cosmos and Alanah couldn't help but wonder about the winged wolves. They had heard that they were rare creatures, with wings like a bird but the body of a wolf. Cosmos was particularly interested in them, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that they were being watched.

Little did they know, that just outside the cabin, a black Canadian timber-winged wolf named Moondust was watching them. Moondust had heard the hunters arrive, and at first, she was reluctant to approach them. She had no love for hunters, as they had caused her and her pack great harm in the past.

But as she watched Cosmos and Alanah, her curiosity got the best of her. She approached the window of the cabin and peered inside. To her surprise, she saw that one of the hunters had been injured. The winged wolf saw this as an opportunity to get revenge on the hunters. However, when she got too close, she could see the kindness in the two women's eyes. Something rare among hunters.

Moondust had always been a rebel in her pack. She never agreed with the alpha's decision to attack the hunters, but she feared speaking out against him. When the alpha ordered her to attack one of the hunters, she refused and was subsequently attacked by her pack members. She managed to escape, but she was left with severe injuries that were now causing her pain and weakness.

Seeing the injured wolf outside the cabin, Cosmos and Alanah immediately sprang into action. They knew they couldn't leave her alone in that condition. They brought her inside the cabin, attending to her wounds and providing her with food and water. Moondust was surprised by their kindness and slowly began to trust them.

As the night went on, Moondust shared her story with Cosmos and Alanah. She told them about her pack, and how she had been cast out for not wanting to harm others. The hunters were amazed by Moondust's bravery and decided to keep her as their pet.

The next morning, when the storm had passed, Cosmos and Alanah prepared to leave the cabin, taking Moondust with them. However, they knew they couldn't keep her as a pet forever. So, they decided to release her back into the wild but promised to visit her whenever they could.

From that day on, Moondust and the hunters developed an unlikely friendship. They would often meet in the forest, and Moondust even helped them with their hunting skills. She showed them how to track animals from above, using her wings to spot their prey.

Over time, the hunters and the winged wolf became legendary in the forest. The hunters were no longer feared, and the winged wolves were no longer seen as dangerous creatures. Cosmos and Alanah had proven that friendship could form between unlikely creatures, and it was purely based on kindness and understanding.

As for Moondust, she had finally found a new home with the hunters, and she couldn't be happier. She no longer felt like an outcast, and she had found a new purpose in life. The hunters had shown her that not all humans were cruel, and she was grateful for that.

From that day on, the dense forest held a new story. It was no longer a dark and creepy place, but a place of friendship and understanding between two very different species. Cosmos and Alanah continued their journey as hunters, but now they had a new friend by their side, a winged wolf named Moondust.

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