Chapter Seven

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The darkness melts away from us to reveal an orange bath of streetlights and a cold lane of old, looming Victorian mansions. I recognize the place as the tall hill behind the town, which now twinkles slightly below us. I refrain from searching for the column of flame that was the home of the Star Sign Coven, training my eyes on the small numbers next to the large front doors of the houses.

"Do you see 6621?" I ask quietly, and Rouge looks around. Ginger stares blankly at the dark pavement, her face pale and cheeks still wet with tears. Her eyes, usually two distinctly different shades of blue and hazel, both seem black with sorrow.

"There." Rouge points up the road to a large, beautiful mansion at the end of the road. Its front yard and gardens were closed off by an intricate black metal gate bordered by marble pillars, though I could just catch a glimpse of a white marble fountain in the center of the driveway. The house is old, surely, as it is darkened with age and rain. It is beautiful; constructed of dark wood with layered roofing and large sections that reminds me of parts of a fairytale castle.

"What was with the address?" Rouge asks quietly. "What is that house?"

"I don't know," I tell her solemnly. "I was merely told this location by Master Sol..." I trail off, unable to finish the sentence. Rouge stiffens out of the corner of my vision, and Ginger doesn't seem to be listening at all. Her eyes remain frozen on the dark ground.

"Let's go, then," Rouge says. She sets off up the small incline towards the house, her dark hair trailing in the light nighttime breeze. I follow curtly, clasping my hands together. Ginger shuffles forward, slowly at first, but gradually she lifts her eyes, which have resumed their normal coloring. We reach the metal gates, and I hesitate momentarily beside a large plaque which reads, "CotT."

"A house named after a bed?" Rouge mutters, and I shake my head.

"I doubt that's the name of the house," I say unconvincingly. Truthfully, I do not know what lies beyond the tall, dark gates. From the outside of the house, the whole scene looks dead. The gardens beyond the gates is full of snaking vines and large tufts of purple flowers, along with tall hedges housing other plants. The lone white fountain in the middle gurgles amiably; a stark contrast to the mood of the development.

Reaching out tentatively, I firmly push at the large gate. Something vibrates under my fingers as it swings open soundlessly.

"Well, that's not creepy," Rouge says, brushing her dark hair behind her shoulder. I hear the slight humor trickling back into her voice, though I can also detect fear. I can just see in the darkness that she's taken Ginger's hand and is leading her up the gravel driveway.

The white gravel glistens under the moonlight, lightly crunching under my heavy black boots. I inhale the night air slightly, trying to concentrate. I attempt to scan the house for minds, but I'm met with a large block.

"I can't read anything," I say quietly to Rouge. I see her stiffen as she quickly glances at Ginger.

"I-," Ginger begins weakly, but I stop her.

"Don't try to speak, Ginger. I believe you're in some shock." I rest my hand lightly on her shoulder as she nods, her eyes slowly beginning to focus on the large house in front of her. Before us eerily looms a large, dark door. I reach up for the knocker, which curves into the shape of a large, bare tree.

"Even the knocker is creepy," Rouge mutters, and I swing the contraption three times. The sound of metal on metal echoes in my ears as lights flicker on in the house and the door creaks open.

"Hello?" A woman's head appears in the doorway, her long, white-blond hair shining in the moonlight. Her light blue eyes drift over us, alight with surprise. "Who are you?"

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