Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

The evening's breeze felt good against my warm skin. Standing on the edge of the garden's perimeter, I took a moment to take in everything and let out a sigh. With my hand securely grasped in his, I felt the gentle tug of Mason pulling me forward.

Whoever prepared the outside had done a phenomenal job, one worthy to be a tribute for a beloved pack sister and friend. With the sun having finally set and the chirp of cicadas filling the air, it was the perfect night, and I sent an upward thanks to the gods. I didn't want anything to tarnish the ritual, this being the final show of respect from the Pack.

The lawn was aglow with what seemed like countless lanterns, candles aflame that cast delicate shadows upon the ground. It set an almost ethereal mood on those already in attendance, everyone speaking in reverent tones as they huddled together in small, intimate groups.

A hush came over everyone as they noticed us pass through. Hands reached out in comfort and condolences, some breaking away from others to speak brief words of solace. Jasmine's death had shaken us as a whole. I could see it reflected in everyone's faces and the tears already beginning to flow.

There wasn't just pack members here, others from the supernatural community had come to pay their homage, and it showed the level of admiration and respect Mason had earned for them to be there.

Devlin stood closely by his King, Zane, and a quick glance found Vlad standing off to one side, looking awkward.

As we passed by Zane, Mason stopped and accepted the embrace he was pulled into. There was history between these two great leaders, and it was an affectionate one. The vampire king whispered something into the Alpha's ear, his hand resting firmly on his shoulder.

I walked into Devlin's arms, his body offering temporary comfort as he also murmured how truly sorry he was.

Moving to Mason's side, I missed the short conversation, but caught the end nod of agreement, and the brief pat on the back before we continued on to the front of the congregation. With chairs arranged in lines and an aisle down the center, Vivien faced us on the dais that had been erected. Wearing the ceremonial robes befitting her station as the lead witch, she looked elegant and deeply saddened.

I thought I had no more tears left as our eyes linked, and she inclined her head to the side as if reading me. Vivien was someone who I greatly admired, and I cherished the relationship we'd been able to foster. She was a wise confidante, someone with unfailing loyalty, and I could feel the calming energy she radiated into the crowd, as she stepped down and walked towards us.

Her arms opened for Mason. "Darling boy, I'm so sorry. This is something I couldn't have foreseen and would never have wished for you. To lose both parents, and now your sister, you are too young to have experienced such loss." I watched as the embrace ended, and she caressed the side of his face. "Please know I am here, should you ever need to talk. Your mother would've been so proud."

The comment seemed to make him stand a little taller, and I was grateful he'd been given that reminder. Even though his relationship with his father had been tenuous at best, he had been close to his mother and she would've loved to have seen the man he was.

Vivien continued to hold Mason's attention. "Remember, brave Alpha, this too shall pass, and before you know it, you'll be reunited with your beloved sister. Keep your focus on the future." I loved hearing the slight accent she had. I hastily brushed away my tears, and she turned to me. Using her finger to slant my face back, she gazed deeply into my eyes—looking, reading, studying.

Taking hold of both of our hands, she clasped them together, squeezing them with hers before releasing them. "Yes, you truly are the perfect match. You will both be fine and will rise above what is to come."

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