"Arranged marriage!?"

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Calista Pov.

As I wake I hear my name being called by my mother "IM COMING GOSH!" i yell i groan as i get out of bed i then look at my alarm it's 7:25 I slap my head "CALISTA!" My mom yells "MOM IM COMING CHILL!" I yell back she was giving me a headache and it was so early in the morning I rub my eyes and walk to my door opening it "WHAT!?" I yell to my mom "COME DOWN HERE ME AND YOUR FATHER NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" my mother yells I roll my eyes and walk out of my room heading down the hall where the stairs were as I start to walk to the stairs i see them looking up at me with a serious face sitting at the couch waiting for me i sigh as I start to walk down the stairs as I reach the bottom of the stairs i look at my mother as my mother pats the middle for me to sit down i sigh a little as I start to walk to sit in the middle of the couch as I reach the couch i sit down looking at my father then my mother "So. What is this about?" I ask looking at my father because my father usually explains things "Well let's cut this short. Calista your getting married." My father says having a sick grin on his face i raise an eyebrow "Excuse me?" I say confused "You heard me." My father says I look at my mother "Mom." I say "I'm sorry sweetie but this is for the best-" before she could say anything more my father interrupts "It's for the family and its for the Mafia so rather you like it or not your getting married." He says I stand up quickly "No I'm not!" I yell at him I couldn't stand how he wants me to always do shit for him saying it's for this 'Mafia' but now he wants me to get married?! Oh no I'm putting my foot down "I will not get married!" I say he than stands up and slaps me hard across the face leaving me a red mark on my soft cheek "YOU WILL DO AS I SAY AND WHAT I SAY IS THAT YOUR GETTING MARRIED!" my father yells at me a tear almost fell down my cheek but I hold it in "Why.." I say quietly my mother than stands up "It's for the best sweetie.. I know you don't want to get married but it's for the family so it can live on. I'm so sorry but. You have to get married." My mother says before walking off "I did not raise a brat who doesn't follow oders you'll be meeting him tomorrow at 10:00 sharp. DON'T BE LATE." My father says coldly before he exits himself out of the living room leaving me be.

I can feel my my anger getting out of hand and I run to my room as I slam the door shut. I run to my bed as I start to cry in the pillow. I honestly didn't want to get married especially at 19 I didn't even know the man that I'm getting married to what if he's an old man that's probably in his 30's I think in my mind I was about to throw up thinking of it I then hear a loud "Thing." From my phone I groan as I wipe my tears away and pick it up my phone to look at the notification it was Amaya "I'm picking you up at 10 be ready were going SHOPPINGG!" I read I sigh and look at the time it was almost 8 I send her a thumbs up as I start to sigh loudly to myself Amaya was always a good spirit that's why I loved being around her so much but I was in my feeling and I didn't want to go shopping but if I didn't she would force me to so I roll my eyes and get out of bed I then made my bed and got some clothes that I was going to wear to the mall or wherever we were going I walked to my bathroom and opened the door while turning on the light I looked in the mirror and felt my cheek while turning my face a little there's was a light mark on my cheek I then sigh a little while turning on the shower. 15-20 minutes I got out and dried myself up after I was done I got changed into the outfit my grandmother got for me

The outfit.

The outfit

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