⌞ twenty-one : fathers? ⌝

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"I taught you how to drive and this is the shit you give me?"


The next morning I woke up with sun out of habit. I doubted that Lewis would be awake so early and tried to be as quiet as possible as I made my way to the kitchen. The floors didn't creak like they did at home and it made it so much easier. But that didn't matter because when I got to the kitchen, Lewis was already there. 

"Morning, kid." 

"Morning. Did I wake you?" 

Lewis shook his head and pushed a cup of coffee towards me. I took it, cautiously taking a sip. It was exactly how I liked it. I smiled at him, and he nodded his reply. 

"Why're you up so early, kid?" 

"I never sleep well." 

"Welcome to the club, then." He snorted and patted the seat next to him at the bar. 

I set my coffee down, getting myself into the seat before grabbing it again. It wasn't that I was the type to drink my coffee fast but the heat of it offered comfort. The morning was chillier than I expected and I was in a shirt I had stolen from Jules ages ago and some shorts. 

"Do we have plans for today?" 

"We do not." Lewis looked at from over his cup. "Do you wanna do something?" 

"Can we go to the Mercedes building, please? I have never been to any of them and this one is supposed to be world class." 

He snorted. "Out of all the things you want, the Mercedes headquarters is what you want?" 


"Yeah, sure. Breakfast first." 

I squealed with joy. It wasn't even the fact that I was going to the Mercedes one, it was the fact that I was going, period. There was nothing more interesting to me than what goes on behind the scenes and I figured that since everyone was here, I would get to see the magic in action. Maybe see Nico and Toto before the race weekend. 

"Lu, go get dressed while I make breakfast, eh?" 

"Got it!" 

I left my coffee, not needing it anymore as I slid across the floor to my room. I had made sure to pack only Mercedes colors since I was here with the idea I would be rooting for them this weekend. Obviously, I would still cheer for Jules and Dani, but Mercedes was my focus this weekend. 

I grabbed a black top and a pair of white-washed jeans. It was simple and if I needed it, I would bring my white windbreaker with me. I wore a pair of blue and black shoes I bought while in Monaco. Easy but still pretty, in my opinion. Hopefully, I wouldn't be underdressed. 


"Are you completely sure that this is what you want?" 

I nodded, smiling as we pulled up to the building. It was beautiful. The entire building sparkled in the morning sun, the glass so clean it looked like it reflected the entire world. I could feel Lewis's eyes on me as I grinned like a kid at Christmas. 

Racing was everything but there was nothing that could compare to understanding the machine I trusted my entire life too. Or, in this case, the people I cared about. Maybe it was because, as Lore put it, I was a control freak or maybe it was just my never-ending curiosity. But needed to know. 

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