The fight

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Danny's feet skidded on the pavement after being delivered a nerve racking blow.

He hadn't expected this opponent to be so strong. Originally when he was fighting undergrowth he thought he could use his ice to defeat him.

He was wrong. The plant ghost had become immune to his ice, causing Danny to become quite outmatched very quickly.

A large thick vine, that should not look as big as it did, hit him square in the chest pinning to the building underneath. Danny tried to phase out of the ghosts grip only to find that on of the thorns had pricked him.

Poisonous thorns, of course, how could his day get any worse. Danny blasted the vines, slowly burning a hole enough to get out from under the vine arm.

"Jeez Undergrowth, go easy on me a little bit, what? Did you take some ghost enchanting drug or something?" Danny asked wincing as he spoke around the pain.

Undergrowth gave him a vicious smile but didn't respond.

Danny scanned he area making sure the civilians were out of the way.

He didn't want to have to to this but his thermos wasn't currently on hand. It had been knocked away from him earlier in the fight.

Danny stumbled back a step and locked eyes with the mad plant ghost.

He took a deep breath and screamed. Danny core vibrated in his chest, become more violent as the wail was let out.

Undergrowth twisted, his grin turning to a pained frown.

Danny persisted, pushing the sound waves at the plant. Undergrowth fell, shaking the town and the buildings around them.

Danny grabbed his chest, his eyes flew open wide as he gritted his teeth. Inside his chest a small crack tore into his core.

Danny huffed, tears pooling st his eyes as he landed on his knees.

"Got it!" Tucker said as he sucked the plant ghost into the thermos.

"Danny!" Sam shrieked as Danny fell to the ground unconscious.

"Danny! Danny! Where is our boy?!" Maddie screamed. Sam looked at Maddie with shock and fear as Danny flickered, turning from Phantom into her son before their eyes.

Maddie stood shocked, "Maddie! Our son!" Jack exclaimed.

Jazz had run over too. At the sight of a pale still Danny she gasped.

Maddie reached down to touch her son when she retracted her fingers.

"H-hes ice cold, our son. M-my boy" Maddie whimpered as she touched him gingerly, unable to find a pulse.

"H-hes dead"

"No!" Sam shouted, "he's not dead Mrs Fenton! He's just different I swear that he not dead"

Danny flickered again, this time turing into Phantom.

"He's changed into Phantom without needing energy" Jazz whispered.

"But, he could only do that if he was going ghost, he always needed energy for that." Tucker muttered.

"Our son, is a ghost. Jack help me"

"Wait! What are you going to do with him" Sam cried.

Maddie bit her lip and lied straight to Sam's face.

"We will put him in a chamber and observe his condition" Maddie already knew his condition. He was a ghost, he was dead. He would be just as malevolent as the other ghost were to humans if he woke up.

They had no time to spare. In order to keep everyone safe they would have to put him to rest.

But Maddie couldn't bring herself to destroy her sons core. Even if he was a ghost. So she did the next best thing.

Jack and Maddie placed Danny in the lab and started working on the coffin.

They let Jazz and his friends visit to maintain the gyse of monitoring him.

Once they finished his coffin, they laid him inside and sealed it with ghost proof chains. The coffin was also lined with ectoranuim.

Jack loaded Danny up into the Fenton Speeder and went deep as he could in the ghost zone without getting lost before ejecting it and leaving.

The ghost zone was where Danny belonged, where Danny Phantom belonged.

"Where's Danny?" Sam asked the next time they came to visit.

"A ghost came from the ghost zone, at first we were hesitant but after it assured us. We let it take Danny to treat him"

There was a flurry of protest before Sam and Tucker left pissed at the Fenton's.

Jazz sat in her room filled with worry.

Danny's coffin drifted over, bumping into a triangle shaped door. The door swung open and the coffin was sucked inside by a strong wind.

The door slammed shut after the coffin was entered.

The coffin fell from the sky landing in a region know as the Bermuda triangle.

The storm pushed the coffin, the waves violently shoving the coffin until it had broken free from the triangle of death. It moved along, drifting peacefully away from the storm and ending up onto the coast of a city.

"Catch any fish yet?" A gruff looking guy asked with a rough laugh to his colleague. They were good people, or as good as you get working under known crime lord Red Hood.

"Naw, bet there won't be any bodies in the water fer a while after what our boss did" he replied with a grin exposing three rotting teeth.

A loud 'thunk' caught their attention as something bumped into their "fishing" boat, causing it too rock a little.

"What is it?" The guy asked dad the other leaned over the edge.

"Throw me a rope"

They pulled up the mysterious changes coffin, glowing green.

"Better we wash our hands after touching this. Don't know whatcha might turn into. Hazard chemicals and the like" the man huffed.

"Imma call Red Hood" he said after he finished giving orders.

Hood had been analyzing a possible territory he might need to buy out, there had been an uptick in crime there and he would be damned if he let continue so close to his turf.

One of Red Hoods close associates, (never seen his face of course, but trusted enough to handle the phone lines) came rushing in saying the fishing men had pulled out a coffin at Gothams harbor.

Jason felt a strange think in his chest and he sprang up, immediately going to check it out.

When he arrived he almost stopped breathing. A glowing green coffin sat on the boat.

Jason wanted to open it, but he knew how disastrous that could be.

"Do we have Constantine's contact?" Jason asked.

"No sir, he's believed to be handling another case at the moment also"

Jason knitted his eyebrows, god dammit he really didn't want to do this.

"You'll have to clear out of here boys, I'm going to have to call the justice league"

The men nodded and packed up their things before disappearing from the area.

Jason pulled up a barrel and sat on it while he called Batman for reinforcements.

Death Of Danny Fenton Where stories live. Discover now