The second day of December has arrived. At this very moment, the four adventurers are back at the same store they went to the day before, only this time the Russos are buying cards to give their soulmates.
"Hey, what do you guys think about this card I'm getting for Katie?" Asked Max. He shows his siblings the card he picked out.
Katie's card:
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"Oh, how cute! I still can't believe this'll be your second Christmas together!" Said Alex with a smile. "But it's still a wonderful feeling nonetheless. Anyway, Alex, can we see your card?" Max asked. Alex nods as she shows off her card.
Ryder's card:
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"Ryder's heart is sure to melt at that message, I can tell. Are you gonna introduce him to Mom and Dad when we get home for Christmas?" Asked Justin. "You betcha! I'm not nervous about this at all, considering it's gonna be our first Christmas together!" Alex said excitedly. "That's the spirit, sis!" Said Max with a smile. "Anyway, Justin, do you have a card for Tori yet?" Asked Alex. Justin takes his card out of his bag and shows it to his siblings.
Tori's card:
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"You certainly knew what you were doing when you found this one! Tori will be grinning from ear to ear once she sees it!" Max said. "Yeah..." Justin said uncomfortably. "What's the matter? Aren't you excited to spend Christmas with her again this year?" Alex asked. Justin stayed silent for a moment.
"Justin?" Said Max. "Sorry, Tori said she'll be introducing me to her family this Christmas, and I'm super nervous about it." Said Justin. "Is it because you know how weird they are?" Asked Alex. "Well, her parents seem nice, even though their parenting isn't all great from what I've been told." Justin said. "Oh yeah, Tori talked about how they left her alone to take care of her sister after she got her wisdom teeth removed." Alex said. "So they didn't have to do it. Very unresponsible!" Max said with his arms crossed.
The older Russos nod in agreement. "Everyone knows that if a child is sick or injured, their parents need to be there to take care of them." Said Alex. "Absolutely!" Said Max. "I know Tori's sister can be irritating, based on what I've heard, but I hope to make a good impression on her too." Said Justin.
Alex pats her big brother's back. "We know you can do this, Justin." She said. "Thanks, Alex. Anyway, you two can head back to the apartment without me." Justin said. "Why?" Max asked. "I'm gonna try and see if I can find a present for Tori." Said Justin. "Okay, but try to be back when it's closing time. That is, if you can't find anything." Alex said. Justin nods understandingly. "I appreciate your flexibility. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna shop till I drop!" He said.
As Justin starts scoping out the store some more, Alex and Max exit and make their way back to the apartment.