Anyways the reason I haven't kept in touch is because not much happens. I mean there's the small incidents but those just aren't that important. Or at least not in the grand scheme of things. Anyways "HELP ME SOMEBODY HELP PLEASE SOMEO-!" WHO WAS THAT "MELONY WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!" We broke the door open but we were too late. Someone who was coming from a border state saw the man. The person who came in escaped from an abandoned mental asylum. The UC's had broken into it. The man strangles him and dropped him on the floor. As we had to evacuate to our rooms as they took the dead body I thought of something. I wouldn't be surprised of someone dying. I am surprised because that was no ordinary man... it was Devon.
Horror(The sequel to Pre-Apacolypse so for this to make sense go in my account and read that book first.) Melony, Sidney, Devon, and Brian are now taken to the warehouse. Although the government tries to help stop it, people go insane. With this the word...