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It was only a week after the battle at the hotel that Adam himself was found in hell.

Now, the horns he wore were real.

Despite everyone trying to tell her otherwise, Charlie's pride wouldn't allow her to simply leave him alone. She managed to wear him down to the point he just let himself be dragged to the hotel.

He was still brash and arrogant. He clashed with everyone to the point that it is not uncommon to hear shouting within the hotel.

"You're living in this hotel now. You need to at least respect us enough to not be a disgusting shit every five seconds!"

"Sure, Sure, Vaggy."

"It's Vaggie!"

Alastor wasn't around often but even he wasn't safe from Adams derogatory comments. The only time he seemed to quiet down was when Nifty was around. It got to the point where they had to call Nifty everytime they wanted him to shut up.

Adam himself wasn't in a very good place. Hell was disgusting and the inhabitants were just as wretched. He's just staying at the hotel because it's the best option available. It didn't mean he actually liked it there. Everyone was annoying as shit and that bitch of princess wouldn't stop nosing around in his business.

Everyone was openly hostile but they stopped themselves from killing him again for Charlie's sake. Still, the threat of death was still there whenever Charlie turned her back. Everyone was openly hostile, except the deer guy. Adam was, like, 50 percent sure his name was Alan or something starting with an A.

Anyway, the Alan guy never seemed to glare like the others. Even though he had been defeated by Adams' hand, he still held an air of superiority. He simply smiled tightly whenever Adam tried to get a rise out of him by shoving his defeat in his face. Though, this is not to say he does not have his limits.

"Hey, Loser!"




Everytime he was met with a little screech. Only once did his response change.

"Oh, dear. I know you're not the brightest in the bunch when you can't seem to learn my name. I suggest you learn it quickly before I hunt you for sport."

Adam laughed. Really? This guy thinks he's strong enough to take him on again?

"Didn't you hear me the first time? You're not important enough for me to learn your name. Radio is fucking dead!"

He froze when the guy grew in size. His body quickly shifted into something more lanky and grotesque. His eyes turned black while his pupil shifted wildly from side to side. As if they were dials. His smile, even more unsettling than usual.

"Oh, darling. We're both dead here." He crooned.

Then, he just disappeared.

Adam didn't know what the feeling was but he knew it was strong. Very strong.

Currently, Adam was trying to be anywhere but the hotel. The bitchy princess was getting on his last fucking nerves with her trust exercise bullshit. Whenever he left his room, it was the same song and dance. Trying to get to open up about his feelings like a pussy. Now, she was even bothering him while he was in his room. He finally snapped and stormed out of the hotel.

He didn't like being out on the filthy streets, among the filthy people, but he needed to get away from her bullshit.

So far, he had been approached by several sinners trying their hand at defeating him. All were as weak as they looked.

"So fucking annoying."

"What is?"

He jumped. Some random guy with a tacky pink coat just popped up out of nowhere, scaring the shit of him.

"Fuck! The fuck do you want tacky bitch?!"

The guy scowled.

"I just want to know what troubles you. You seem stressed."

"No shit! Don't even get me started!"

"Well, I've got time. Maybe I can help?"

"As if you could, fuckface. That bitch of a princess is always up my ass about this redemption bullshit. Everyday, it's some trust exercise trying to get me to open up as if that will get me out this shithole."

"That sounds frustrating but you are wrong about one thing. I can help you."

"Yeah, how? What's your brilliant idea?" He said sarcastically.

"Well, you do a favor for me and I do you a favor. How does that sound?"

"Vague as shit."

"I will make you my employee and you can help me occasionally. In turn, I give you an excuse and place away from that shithole."

The guy reached out his hand as smoke slowly started to envelop it. Weird.

It didn't sound like a bad deal to Adam. The guy looked sketchy as shit but he didn't care at this point.

He sighed and made a move to shake his hand.

"I wouldn't recommend such an action, dear guest."

Adam was pulled back before he could even process what happened.

"Valentino, I doubt Lucifer will be pleased with you poaching one of his daughter's guests. Leave now."

Fuck, it was the deer guy. The Val guy was gone within seconds.

"Not a very smart idea, Adam. You have yet to learn how deals work around here."

His smile was so fucking condescending that Adam couldn't help what he said next.

"Oh, shut the fuck up! I am so sick of all of you treating me like I'm some dumbshit. Everyones always up to one scheme or another and I'm always the fucking pawn! What does it matter if I'm his pawn or any other fucker in this rancid shithole!?"

"The hotel already has trouble because of Valentinos deal with Angel dust. We don't need Valentino getting anymore of his grubby hands in the hotel."

"Fuck the hotel! That shitty princess is always talking about redemption shit. I know you all want me dead. You need to grow some balls and tell that princess that you want me gone."

"Adam, I know you are frustrated, however I suggest you calm down."

"Fuck off, Alan! You're just like the rest of them. Always looking down on me!"

Adam felt his shirt being grabbed before he was pulled forward, his face a measly inch from the guy.

"Darling, shut the fuck up. My name is Alastor. You wish for them to not look down on you? Don't make it so easy then." The creepy radio dial eyes were back but his form did not change

He continued, "However misguided, the princess is trying to get you out of here. That's what you want, right? Then put in the effort instead of whining like a little bitch."

Adam said nothing when Alastor paused to give him the opportunity to speak. When he didn't, Alastor sighed.

"I know it's frustrating and you don't want to take the hand of Lucifer's daughter but you have to do something other than storm out when she gets to be too much. I'll take care of it when she pushes too far. If you want to be looked at as if you are stupid then don't go making deals with people like Valentino and his friends."

He nodded his head towards the direction of the hotel.

"Follow me. Charlie has been worrying."

Adam didn't say anything. He just wordlessly followed . . . Alastor?

No one approached him as they walked back in silence.

The only sound being the soft radio static.

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