We should probably stop- NAH

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Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo were all sitting idly by Tubbo's office desk as the goat hybrid poured various liquids into a small vile fizzing every once and an while. The enderman would tilt his head slightly in some sort of way to show interest in the process while the Raccoon only really yawned feeling bored from the lack of micheif.

"When is this gonna be over?" The blonde complained rather loudly, "As soon as it turns red." the shorter hybrid explained in somewhat of an annoyed tone. "What are these for exactly?" The dual haired giant questioned looked down at them.

"Hopefully strength, I've been trying to perfect it for months!" The goat answered leaning back into his chair, "I'm already strong I don't need a potion-" The Raccoon stated crossing his arms as his tail swished from side to side. The brunette just rolled his eyes at the declaration.

These three are known as the bench trio, they have been living together for about 6 years. (Their ages are 16-17) They met on the streets after Tubbo was  abandoned and Ranboo ran from a facility testing on him. They honestly didn't know what happened to Tommy but they never pried.

Ranboo was a mixed Hybrid being half enderman, half warden. This made them rather interesting to look at, they had charcoal colored skin that split into white on his right side. They had black horns with teal-ish Lychee always growing on top with a black and teal striped tail, their eyes were Green and red however sometimes they could turn purple normally while using their abilities.

Then we had Tubbo, Tubbo was a goat hybrid. He had the standard horns and ears of course, however he had an ability to hide his features to take on a more human appearance which he only used to transform his goat legs to human ones since he'd be more recognizable in his civilian form.

Finally Tommy, he's sort of a mixed hybrid as well. He's mostly raccoon with the ears and tail and stripes here and there, however he has a little bit of avian blood in him. No wings however so not poggers but he does know how to speak to birds, chirp and speak Avian. Yet that would prove to be rather useless, well to him at least.

"Okay.. I think it's finished." Tubbo said sort of wearily, "YES!-" Tommy exclaimed running over to get the potion. "No- Tommy. We need to test to see if this is it." Tubbo interrupted blocking his path however the Raccoon planned to slop only to accidentally run into his goat friend as the both tumbled into Ranboo who yelped suddenly as they all crashed into Tubbo's desk spilling the potion on themselves .

"Augh- Tommy you dumbass..." Tubbo mumbled as they were all covered in the potion- but something was different... Tubbo's voice sounded higher and squeakier. "The fuck happened to your voice- THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MINE!?" Tommy questioned only to screech hearing his own voice sounding squeakier too.

They all rolled off the pile on the Ranboo to look at themselves, Tommy screamed a high pitched scream making Ranboo and Tubbo snapped their heads over to him to see a child like Tommy who's hair was slightly longer and fluffier with his ears being smaller but tail being too big for him.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Tommy screamed looking around to see everything taller as well as his reflection as the other two paused, before Tubbo shoved Tommy to see himself Ranboo following behind him. They all looked like Children.

Tubbo's horns were much smaller and his ears were droopy and large, his legs being like a goat like. His hair also being scruffy and curly shielding his eyes slightly. "Holy shit.." he mumbled as Tommy was whining that Tubbo pushed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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