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                            •Elysian Monroe•

*3 months later*

     Things between Eil and I have gotten increasingly good. That night really helped us grow closer. In the past few months, she's really helped me learn how to be there for her in moments like that.

"The light's green," she said.

I quickly shook my head, refocusing on the road. I was dropping her off for her first girls' weekend. After her last night out, she had to convince me that letting her go for one night, let alone three, was a good idea.

Soon, I pulled up to a familiar house—the one where I met Aire. I chuckled to myself; the universe seemed to be nudging me to unblock her. Sorry, universe, not happening.

I parked as close to the door as possible and turned to Eil.

"If anything happens, and I mean anything, call me," I said.

"Always," she replied.

She exited and retrieved her bag from the back seat. With a final wave, she headed to the door. I waited until she was inside before driving away.

Once on the road, I headed to the office, knowing she would be the first person I'd see today. If only I had something positive to say about our progress.

Her interest in my life had grown incredibly intense lately. She'd spent most of her time trying to pry and read me. I'd dodged each attempt, always steering the conversation back to her, but I couldn't deny that I was growing tired of it.

I pulled into the parking lot and immediately spotted her car. Glancing at the time, I realized I was ten minutes late. Damn.

I parked quickly and jogged inside, heading straight to my office where she was already seated.

"Please excuse my tardiness; I was dropping my sister off. I see you've made yourself comfortable. How are you today, Akari?" I asked without delay.

"No worries at all, Elysian, I understand. I'm fine. How are you feeling today?" she inquired.

"I'm well, thank you for asking. So, are things still working as expected?" I responded.

I had learned that the best way to keep her from asking about me was to ask her a question first.

"Yes, Rosa is happily living with my parents while we sort things out with our lawyers," she said.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. However, if that's the case, I don't quite understand why you've scheduled this appointment," I inquired.

She repositioned herself and offered a smile.

"I wanted to ask you to go out with me. Not a date, but as two people getting to know each other in a different setting," her smile widened.

I exhaled deeply at her proposition and pondered it.

"That's not appropriate, Akari," I stated.

"To you, it isn't. To me, it's simply a way to get to know you. Since you won't open up here, I thought you might be more at ease answering questions outside of work," she remarked.

"I prefer to keep our interactions strictly professional. If there's nothing else, then I'll have to end this session early," I declared.

"Just one evening out, Elysian, that's all I'm requesting," she persisted.

I sighed quietly, knowing she wouldn't relent until I consented. I watched her carefully, weighing my options. Agreeing to go out might lead to a potential friendship, but refusing would only result in her persistent requests.

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